Homocisteína: bases genéticas y sus implicaciones cardiovasculares y cognitivas como factor de riesgo
La controversia que ha generado la homocisteína como factor de riesgo protrombótico
debido a sus implicaciones cardiovasculares, está presente en la actualidad con …
debido a sus implicaciones cardiovasculares, está presente en la actualidad con …
[كتاب][B] Thrombophilia
A Tranquilli - 2011 - books.google.com
Thrombophilia (s) is a condition of increased tendency to form blood clots. This condition
may be inherited or acquired, and this is why the term is often used in plural. People who …
may be inherited or acquired, and this is why the term is often used in plural. People who …
Relationships between homocysteine, folate and vitamin B12 levels with the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase polymorphism, in indians from western Venezuela
Determinations of D-dimer were performed in duplicate on frozen plasma samples stored at-
80 C with a dedicated immunoanalyzer (9). The cut-off level was set at 500 ng/ml according …
80 C with a dedicated immunoanalyzer (9). The cut-off level was set at 500 ng/ml according …
[HTML][HTML] La homocisteinemia y su relación con el polimorfismo de la metilentetrahidrofolato reductasa en varios grupos étnicos del occidente de Venezuela
Con el propósito de establecer la prevalencia de la hiperhomocisteinemia y su relación con
el polimorfismo de la metilentetrahidrofolato reductasa, se estudiaron tres grupos étnicos …
el polimorfismo de la metilentetrahidrofolato reductasa, se estudiaron tres grupos étnicos …
Homocysteinemia and its relationship with the methylentetrahydrofolate reductase polymorphism in various ethnic groups from western Venezuela
Homocysteinemia and its relationship with the methylentetrahydrofolate reductase
polymorphism in various ethnic groups from western Venezuela SciELO - Scientific …
polymorphism in various ethnic groups from western Venezuela SciELO - Scientific …
Homocisteína y trastornos neurocognitivos.¿ Una luz al final del túnel?
El deterioro cognitivo es uno de los procesos que acompañan al envejecimiento y puede
depender de factores nutricionales, genéticos o ambientales. La identificación de factores …
depender de factores nutricionales, genéticos o ambientales. La identificación de factores …
[HTML][HTML] Homocysteine and neurocognitive disorders. A light at the end of the tunnel?
Cognitive impairment is one of the processes that accompany aging and may depend on
nutritional, genetic or environmental factors. The identification of modifiable risk factors …
nutritional, genetic or environmental factors. The identification of modifiable risk factors …