[KNIHA][B] Wireless Sensor Networks

IMM El Emary, S Ramakrishnan - 2013 - api.taylorfrancis.com
A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a simple low-cost approach that can be used in a
distributed environment. A WSN is a group of distributed devices that could be employed to …

[PDF][PDF] Smart environmental monitoring using wireless sensor networks

N El-Bendary, MMM Fouad, RA Ramadan… - K15146_C025 …, 2013 - academia.edu
The heavy industry that has grown around the world and the diversity of chemicals along
with contamination resulting from humans' daily life, released into the environment have …

Smart city technologies and figures of technical mediation

H Voordijk, S Dorrestijn - Urban research & practice, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
With ICTs increasingly influencing the built environment, it becomes ever more important to
analyse the impact of smart city technologies on citizens' behaviour. To explore this impact …

SMART-CITY: Problematics, techniques and case studies

B David, C Yin, Y Zhou, T Xu, B Zhang… - … (NCM and ICNIT), 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The SMART CITY is an important field for ubiquitous computing (UC) and ambient
intelligence (AmI). Data vitalization related to in city data collection and their appropriate …

User-oriented system for smart city approaches

B David, XU Tao, JIN Huiliang, Z Yun, R Chalon… - IFAC Proceedings …, 2013 - Elsevier
The SMART CITY is an important field for ubiquitous computing (UC), ambient intelligence
(AmI), connected vehicles (CV), and the User Interface approach. Data vitalization related to …

Planning smart meal in a smart city for a smart living

CP Liyanage, A Marasinghe - 2013 international conference on …, 2013 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The quality of services and products is the main indicator of smart city. Last few years it has
been showing a rapid development and much fashionable achievements with high …

A context-aware middleware for ambient intelligence

T Xu, B David, R Chalon, Y Zhou - … of the workshop on posters and …, 2011 - dl.acm.org
By the acronym MOCOCO we refer to our view of ambient intelligence (AmI), pointing out
three main characteristics: Mobility, Contextualization and Collaboration. The ambient …

Innovative wearable interfaces: an exploratory analysis of paper-based interfaces with camera-glasses device unit

Y Zhou, T Xu, B David, R Chalon - Personal and ubiquitous computing, 2014 - Springer
The new ubiquitous interaction methods change people's life and facilitate their tasks in
everyday life and in the workplace, enabling people to access their personal data as well as …

User interfaces in smart cities

T Hopkins, SS Bae, J Uhr, A Banić, C Zheng… - Handbook of smart …, 2020 - Springer
What is smart? Smart is welcoming, in which objects and environments make one feel at
home. Smart is being cared for, feeling appreciated, safe, and belonging. Smart is being …

PlayAllAround: Wearable one-hand gesture input and scalable projected interfaces

Y Zhou, B David, R Chalon - Proceedings of the 2012 Conference on …, 2012 - dl.acm.org
PlayAllAround is a wearable camera-pico-projector system where the scalable interface
allows mobile interaction. We access the digital information from the projected scalable …