Atom probe tomography
Atom probe tomography (APT) provides three-dimensional compositional map** with sub-
nanometre resolution. The sensitivity of APT is in the range of parts per million for all …
nanometre resolution. The sensitivity of APT is in the range of parts per million for all …
A comparative review of the aqueous corrosion of glasses, crystalline ceramics, and metals
All materials can suffer from environmental degradation; the rate and extent of degradation
depend on the details of the material composition and structure as well as the environment …
depend on the details of the material composition and structure as well as the environment …
Challenges with vitrification of Hanford High-Level Waste (HLW) to borosilicate glass–An overview
Abstract The Hanford site in Washington State houses~ 56 million gallons of radioactive
wastes stored in 177 underground tanks. The waste must be immobilized and permanently …
wastes stored in 177 underground tanks. The waste must be immobilized and permanently …
Nanometre-scale evidence for interfacial dissolution–reprecipitation control of silicate glass corrosion
Silicate glasses are durable solids, and yet they are chemically unstable in contact with
aqueous fluids—this has important implications for numerous industrial applications related …
aqueous fluids—this has important implications for numerous industrial applications related …
Origin and consequences of silicate glass passivation by surface layers
Silicate glasses are durable materials, but are they sufficiently durable to confine highly
radioactive wastes for hundreds of thousands years? Addressing this question requires a …
radioactive wastes for hundreds of thousands years? Addressing this question requires a …
Radionuclides containment in nuclear glasses: an overview
Radioactive waste vitrification has been carried out industrially in several countries for
nearly 40 years. Research into the formulation and long term behavior of high and …
nearly 40 years. Research into the formulation and long term behavior of high and …
Atom probe tomography: Development and application to the geosciences
Atom probe tomography (APT) is an analytical technique that provides quantitative three‐
dimensional elemental and isotopic analyses at sub‐nanometre resolution across the whole …
dimensional elemental and isotopic analyses at sub‐nanometre resolution across the whole …
Current understanding and remaining challenges in modeling long‐term degradation of borosilicate nuclear waste glasses
Chemical durability is not a single material property that can be uniquely measured. Instead,
it is the response to a host of coupled material and environmental processes whose rates …
it is the response to a host of coupled material and environmental processes whose rates …
The fate of silicon during glass corrosion under alkaline conditions: a mechanistic and kinetic study with the International Simple Glass
Abstract International Simple Glass–a six oxide borosilicate glass selected by the
international nuclear glass community to improve the understanding of glass corrosion …
international nuclear glass community to improve the understanding of glass corrosion …
Behavior of molecules and molecular ions near a field emitter
The cold emission of particles from surfaces under intense electric fields is a process which
underpins a variety of applications including atom probe tomography (APT), an analytical …
underpins a variety of applications including atom probe tomography (APT), an analytical …