Magnetic recording of the Cenozoic oceanic crustal accretion and evolution of the South China Sea basin

CF Li, TR Song - Chinese Science Bulletin, 2012 - Springer
We review and discuss some of the recent scientific findings made on magnetic data in the
South China Sea (SCS). Magnetic anomalies bear extremely rich information on Mesozoic …

Ages and magnetic structures of the South China Sea constrained by deep tow magnetic surveys and IODP Expedition 349

CF Li, X Xu, J Lin, Z Sun, J Zhu, Y Yao… - Geochemistry …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Combined analyses of deep tow magnetic anomalies and International Ocean Discovery
Program Expedition 349 cores show that initial seafloor spreading started around 33 Ma in …

Tracing the life history of a marginal sea—on “The South China Sea Deep” research program

PX Wang - Chinese Science Bulletin, 2012 - Springer
Abstract The Major Research Program “Deep Sea Processes and Evolution of the South
China Sea”, or “The South China Sea Deep”, launched in January 2011 by the National …

Tectonic structure, lithology, and hydrothermal signature of the Rainbow massif (Mid‐Atlantic Ridge 36° 14′ N)

M Andreani, J Escartin, A Delacour… - Geochemistry …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Rainbow is a dome‐shaped massif at the 36° 14′ N nontransform offset along the Mid‐
Atlantic Ridge. It hosts three ultramafic‐hosted hydrothermal sites: Rainbow is active and …

Influence of subsurface biosphere on geochemical fluxes from diffuse hydrothermal fluids

SD Wankel, LN Germanovich, MD Lilley, G Genc… - Nature …, 2011 -
Hydrothermal vents along mid-ocean systems host unique, highly productive biological
communities, based on microbial chemoautotrophy, that thrive on the sulphur, metals …

The structure and dynamics of mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal systems

D Coumou, T Driesner, CA Heinrich - Science, 2008 -
Sub-seafloor hydrothermal convection at mid-ocean ridges transfers 25% of the Earth's heat
flux and can form massive sulfide ore deposits. Their three-dimensional (3D) structure and …

The potential for abiotic organic synthesis and biosynthesis at seafloor hydrothermal systems

E Shock, P Canovas - Geofluids, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Geofluids (2010) 10, 161–192 Abstract Calculations are presented of the extent to which
chemical disequilibria are generated when submarine hydrothermal fluids mix with sea …

A primer for the environmental impact assessment of mining at seafloor massive sulfide deposits

PC Collins, P Croot, J Carlsson, A Colaço, A Grehan… - Marine Policy, 2013 - Elsevier
Seafloor massive sulfides (SMS) contain commercially viable quantities of high grade ores,
making them attractive prospect sites for marine mining. SMS deposits may also contain …

Structure, temporal evolution, and heat flux estimates from the Lucky Strike deep‐sea hydrothermal field derived from seafloor image mosaics

T Barreyre, J Escartín, R Garcia… - Geochemistry …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Here we demonstrate with a study of the Lucky Strike hydrothermal field that image
mosaicing over large seafloor areas is feasible with new image processing techniques, and …

Hydrothermal sulfide accumulation along the Endeavour segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge

JW Jamieson, DA Clague, MD Hannington - Earth and Planetary Science …, 2014 - Elsevier
Hydrothermal sulfide deposits that form on the seafloor are often located by the detection of
hydrothermal plumes in the water column, followed by exploration with deep-towed …