Magnetic recording of the Cenozoic oceanic crustal accretion and evolution of the South China Sea basin
CF Li, TR Song - Chinese Science Bulletin, 2012 - Springer
We review and discuss some of the recent scientific findings made on magnetic data in the
South China Sea (SCS). Magnetic anomalies bear extremely rich information on Mesozoic …
South China Sea (SCS). Magnetic anomalies bear extremely rich information on Mesozoic …
Ages and magnetic structures of the South China Sea constrained by deep tow magnetic surveys and IODP Expedition 349
Combined analyses of deep tow magnetic anomalies and International Ocean Discovery
Program Expedition 349 cores show that initial seafloor spreading started around 33 Ma in …
Program Expedition 349 cores show that initial seafloor spreading started around 33 Ma in …
Tracing the life history of a marginal sea—on “The South China Sea Deep” research program
PX Wang - Chinese Science Bulletin, 2012 - Springer
Abstract The Major Research Program “Deep Sea Processes and Evolution of the South
China Sea”, or “The South China Sea Deep”, launched in January 2011 by the National …
China Sea”, or “The South China Sea Deep”, launched in January 2011 by the National …
Tectonic structure, lithology, and hydrothermal signature of the Rainbow massif (Mid‐Atlantic Ridge 36° 14′ N)
Rainbow is a dome‐shaped massif at the 36° 14′ N nontransform offset along the Mid‐
Atlantic Ridge. It hosts three ultramafic‐hosted hydrothermal sites: Rainbow is active and …
Atlantic Ridge. It hosts three ultramafic‐hosted hydrothermal sites: Rainbow is active and …
Influence of subsurface biosphere on geochemical fluxes from diffuse hydrothermal fluids
SD Wankel, LN Germanovich, MD Lilley, G Genc… - Nature …, 2011 - nature.com
Hydrothermal vents along mid-ocean systems host unique, highly productive biological
communities, based on microbial chemoautotrophy, that thrive on the sulphur, metals …
communities, based on microbial chemoautotrophy, that thrive on the sulphur, metals …
The structure and dynamics of mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal systems
Sub-seafloor hydrothermal convection at mid-ocean ridges transfers 25% of the Earth's heat
flux and can form massive sulfide ore deposits. Their three-dimensional (3D) structure and …
flux and can form massive sulfide ore deposits. Their three-dimensional (3D) structure and …
The potential for abiotic organic synthesis and biosynthesis at seafloor hydrothermal systems
E Shock, P Canovas - Geofluids, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Geofluids (2010) 10, 161–192 Abstract Calculations are presented of the extent to which
chemical disequilibria are generated when submarine hydrothermal fluids mix with sea …
chemical disequilibria are generated when submarine hydrothermal fluids mix with sea …
A primer for the environmental impact assessment of mining at seafloor massive sulfide deposits
Seafloor massive sulfides (SMS) contain commercially viable quantities of high grade ores,
making them attractive prospect sites for marine mining. SMS deposits may also contain …
making them attractive prospect sites for marine mining. SMS deposits may also contain …
Structure, temporal evolution, and heat flux estimates from the Lucky Strike deep‐sea hydrothermal field derived from seafloor image mosaics
Here we demonstrate with a study of the Lucky Strike hydrothermal field that image
mosaicing over large seafloor areas is feasible with new image processing techniques, and …
mosaicing over large seafloor areas is feasible with new image processing techniques, and …
Hydrothermal sulfide accumulation along the Endeavour segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge
Hydrothermal sulfide deposits that form on the seafloor are often located by the detection of
hydrothermal plumes in the water column, followed by exploration with deep-towed …
hydrothermal plumes in the water column, followed by exploration with deep-towed …