Efectos de enseñar matemáticas a través de actividades musicales
El propósito de este estudio es determinar los efectos a nivel cognitivo en dos grupos de
estudiantes de Educación Infantil (49 sujetos de 5 y 6 años): al Grupo Experimental (GE) se …
estudiantes de Educación Infantil (49 sujetos de 5 y 6 años): al Grupo Experimental (GE) se …
[PDF][PDF] Time-based raga recommendation and information retrieval of musical patterns in Indian classical music using neural networks
In Indian Classical Music (ICM) perspective, Raga is formed from the different and correct
combination of notes. If it is observed the history of Indian Classical Raga in ICM, the playing …
combination of notes. If it is observed the history of Indian Classical Raga in ICM, the playing …
Hypercube+ Rubik's Cube+ Music= HyperCubeHarmonic
Musical chords and chord relations can be described through mathematics. Abstract
permutations can be visualized through the Rubik's cube, born as a pedagogical device [,] …
permutations can be visualized through the Rubik's cube, born as a pedagogical device [,] …
Assessment of mathematical learning in a musical composition workshop applying tools from the onto-semiotic approach
The mathematical music composition workshop, an endeavor that integrates mathematics
and music majors, is a concrete example of a STEAM (science, technology, engineering …
and music majors, is a concrete example of a STEAM (science, technology, engineering …
[PDF][PDF] Un experimento piloto sobre la enseñanza interdisciplinaria integrada a nivel universitario: matemáticas y música
MM Hernández - Foro de Educación, 2017 - redalyc.org
En el presente trabajo se presenta un reporte y un análisis de una experiencia
interdisciplinaria que se llevó a cabo a través de un programa especial de fomento a …
interdisciplinaria que se llevó a cabo a través de un programa especial de fomento a …
Introduction to the special issue on pedagogies of mathematical music theory
A discipline defines itself by its pedagogy. In established fields, standard curricula provide a
basis of shared knowledge, organize, classify, and categorize that knowledge, and tell the …
basis of shared knowledge, organize, classify, and categorize that knowledge, and tell the …
Influence of musical learning in the acquisition of mathematical skills in primary school
A Chao-Fernández, D Mato-Vázquez… - Mathematics, 2020 - mdpi.com
In this research we analyze the influence of musical activities in the acquisition of
mathematical knowledge and skills of a sample, 50 students from both a public and a private …
mathematical knowledge and skills of a sample, 50 students from both a public and a private …
cARTegory theory: framing aesthetics of mathematics
M Mannone - Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, 2019 - iris.unive.it
Abstract Mathematics can help investigate hidden patterns and structures in music and
visual arts. Also, math in and of itself possesses an intrinsic beauty. We can explore such a …
visual arts. Also, math in and of itself possesses an intrinsic beauty. We can explore such a …
Play My Math: Second Development Cycle of an EdTech Tool Supporting the Teaching and Learning of Fractions Through Music in Algebraic Notation
In this paper, we present an enhanced version of an EdTech tool called Play My Math (PMM)
that aims to make the teaching and learning of fractions more engaging, fun, and meaningful …
that aims to make the teaching and learning of fractions more engaging, fun, and meaningful …
Partitions, their classes, and multicolour evenness
We extend the theory of maximally even sets to determine the evenness of partitions of the
chromatic universe U c. Interactions measure the average evenness of colour sets …
chromatic universe U c. Interactions measure the average evenness of colour sets …