Superconducting qubits: Current state of play
Superconducting qubits are leading candidates in the race to build a quantum computer
capable of realizing computations beyond the reach of modern supercomputers. The …
capable of realizing computations beyond the reach of modern supercomputers. The …
Quantum information processing with superconducting circuits: a review
G Wendin - Reports on Progress in Physics, 2017 - iopscience.iop.org
During the last ten years, superconducting circuits have passed from being interesting
physical devices to becoming contenders for near-future useful and scalable quantum …
physical devices to becoming contenders for near-future useful and scalable quantum …
Quantum optimization using variational algorithms on near-term quantum devices
Universal fault-tolerant quantum computers will require error-free execution of long
sequences of quantum gate operations, which is expected to involve millions of physical …
sequences of quantum gate operations, which is expected to involve millions of physical …
Biomolecular and bioanalytical applications of infrared spectroscopy–A review
Infrared (IR; or mid-infrared, MIR; 4000-400 cm− 1; 2500–25,000 nm) spectroscopy has
become one of the most powerful and versatile tools at the disposal of modern bioscience …
become one of the most powerful and versatile tools at the disposal of modern bioscience …
Digital-analog quantum computation
Digital quantum computing paradigm offers highly desirable features such as universality,
scalability, and quantum error correction. However, physical resource requirements to …
scalability, and quantum error correction. However, physical resource requirements to …
Digital-analog quantum simulations with superconducting circuits
Quantum simulations consist in the intentional reproduction of physical or unphysical
models into another more controllable quantum system. Beyond establishing …
models into another more controllable quantum system. Beyond establishing …
Toward pricing financial derivatives with an ibm quantum computer
Pricing interest-rate financial derivatives is a major problem in finance, in which it is crucial
to accurately reproduce the time evolution of interest rates. Several stochastic dynamics …
to accurately reproduce the time evolution of interest rates. Several stochastic dynamics …
Digital-analog quantum algorithm for the quantum Fourier transform
Quantum computers will allow calculations beyond existing classical computers. However,
current technology is still too noisy and imperfect to construct a universal digital quantum …
current technology is still too noisy and imperfect to construct a universal digital quantum …
Optimizing qubit resources for quantum chemistry simulations in second quantization on a quantum computer
Quantum chemistry simulations on a quantum computer suffer from the overhead needed for
encoding the Fermionic problem in a system of qubits. By exploiting the block diagonality of …
encoding the Fermionic problem in a system of qubits. By exploiting the block diagonality of …
Digital-analog quantum simulation of generalized Dicke models with superconducting circuits
L Lamata - Scientific Reports, 2017 - nature.com
We propose a digital-analog quantum simulation of generalized Dicke models with
superconducting circuits, including Fermi-Bose condensates, biased and pulsed Dicke …
superconducting circuits, including Fermi-Bose condensates, biased and pulsed Dicke …