[HTML][HTML] Chemical composition, biological activities, uses, nutritional and mineral contents of cumin (Cuminum cyminum)

FS Mohammed, M Sevindik, İ Uysal, C Çesko… - Measurement: Food, 2024 - Elsevier
Plants are unique resources utilised by various communities within natural products. The
use of plants within the scope of traditional medicine has significant contributions in the …

Anticancer, antioxidant, antiviral and antimicrobial activities of Kei Apple (Dovyalis caffra) fruit

H Qanash, R Yahya, MM Bakri, AS Bazaid… - Scientific Reports, 2022 - nature.com
Secondary plant metabolites remain one of the key sources of therapeutic agents despite
the development of new approaches for the discovery of medicinal drugs. In the current …

A review on antiviral pants effective against different virus types

FS Mohammed, I Uysal… - Prospects in …, 2023 - prospects.wum.edu.pl
The treatment of microbial infections has proven challenging for humans in recent years.
Synthetic medications, such as antimicrobial agents, are used for treating these infections …

[PDF][PDF] Biological activities and phenolic contents of Rumex scutatus collected from Turkey

O Unal, EC Eraslan, I Uysal… - Fresenius …, 2022 - researchgate.net
Plants come to the fore with their nutritional properties. In addition to its nutritional properties,
it is also known to have medicinal properties. In this study, antioxidant, oxidant and …

Antioxidant, antimicrobial and antiproliferative activities of Galium aparine

N Korkmaz, A Dayangaç, M Sevindik - Journal of Faculty of …, 2021 - dergipark.org.tr
Amaç: Bitkilerin birçok biyolojik aktiviteye sahip olduğu bilinmektedir. Bu çalışmada Galium
aparine L.'nin antioksidan, oksidan, antimikrobiyal ve antiproliferatif aktiviteleri araştırıldı …

[PDF][PDF] Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of ethanol extract of Helianthemum salicifolium (Cistaceae)

FS Mohammed, E Kına, M Sevindik… - Indian Journal of …, 2021 - op.niscpr.res.in
Plants have been used by humans to treat diseases. Different plant species have been very
successful in treating different diseases. Helianthemum salicifolium (L.) Mill. was used as a …

In-vitro antioxidant and oxidant properties of Centaurea rigida

E Kına, İ Uysal, FS Mohammed… - Turkish Journal of …, 2021 - agrifoodscience.com
Many different natural materials are used in complementary medicine. Among natural
products, herbal materials are used quite a lot. Centaurea rigida Willd. was used as material …

Autism: plants with neuro-psychopharmacotherapeutic potential

M Sevindik, FS Mohammed… - Prospects in …, 2023 - prospects.wum.edu.pl
In recent years, there has been an increasing prevalence of cases of autism. There is no
general cure for autism; however, there are situational treatments available. In this context …

Antioxidant and Oxidant status of medicinal plant Echium italicum collected from different regions

İ Uysal, FS Mohammed, AE Şabik… - Turkish Journal of …, 2021 - agrifoodscience.com
It is known that plants have been used by humans for a very long time in the treatment of
diseases. A wide variety of plant species grown in different regions have been very …

Some Biological activities of ethanol extract of Marrubium globosum

M Pehlivan, FS Mohammed, AE Şabik… - Turkish Journal of …, 2021 - agrifoodscience.com
Plants have been used for centuries to treat various diseases. In this study, Marrubium
globosum Montbret & Aucher ex Benth. plant was used as a material. The extract of the plant …