The comprasion of prevalance, type and severity of injury in professional and amateur freestyles' wrestlers
Introduction: Researchers make an effort to the assessment of injuries prevalence in
different sports, to the find the cause of this injury and eventually to provide the appropriate …
different sports, to the find the cause of this injury and eventually to provide the appropriate …
Effect of core muscle fatigue on measurements of lower extremity functional performance in male athletes
S Sheikhhassani, R Rajabi… - Journal of Research in …, 2013 -
Introduction: Core stability is the ability to control the position and motion of the trunk over
the pelvis and legs to allow optimum production and transfer of force to the terminal segment …
the pelvis and legs to allow optimum production and transfer of force to the terminal segment …
Providing the non-word repetition test and determining its validity and reliability and comparing phonological working memory in 4 to 6 Farsi-speaking normal and …
AbstractIntroduction: The purpose of this study was to determine the inter tester and intra
tester reliability of 5 static and 3 dynamic palpation tests, and three pain provocation tests …
tester reliability of 5 static and 3 dynamic palpation tests, and three pain provocation tests …
Effects of an 8-week exercise with Physioball on the correction of thoracic kyphosis, balance and quality of life in addicted men after quitting drugs
Introduction: Exercise and physical activity have the potential of improving the health status
and quality of life of addicted people. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of an 8 …
and quality of life of addicted people. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of an 8 …
Designing a Farsi text for the assessment of adult voice features and determining its validity and reliability in measuring the fundamental frequency and intensity of …
A Memarian, A Ghorbani, F Torabi Nejad… - Journal of Research in …, 2008 -
Introduction: The every possible attempt in voice disorders assessment is to gather samples
which represent individuals' actual voice in the daily speech. The researchers have found …
which represent individuals' actual voice in the daily speech. The researchers have found …
Core stabilization training and sports performance in wheelchair basketball players–Randomized controlled single-blind study
Objectives Although there are many studies investigating the effect of core stabilization on
sportive performance in athletes, studies investigating its effect on disabled athletes are …
sportive performance in athletes, studies investigating its effect on disabled athletes are …
Tekerlekli sandalye basketbol oyuncularında core kas dayanıklılığı ile aerobik kapasite, hız, çeviklik ve spora özgü beceriler arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi
Çalışmanın amacı, tekerlekli sandalye basketbol oyuncularında core kas dayanıklılığı ile
aerobik kapasite, hız, çeviklik ve spora özgü becerileri arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemekti …
aerobik kapasite, hız, çeviklik ve spora özgü becerileri arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemekti …
The relationship between impaired visual function and quality of life of the blind
A Sarabandi, M Kamali, H Mobaraki - Journal of Research in …, 2013 -
Introduction: It is quite possible that people with low-vision and blind people have a severely
affected quality of life due to the presence of their vision impairment. This study evaluated …
affected quality of life due to the presence of their vision impairment. This study evaluated …
The relationship between behavioral problems in 7 to 13 year old children with cerebral palsy and maternal depression: a cross-sectional study
Introduction: In addition to numerous physical disabilities, children with cerebral palsy suffer
from sociopsychological problems such as behavioral problems. The risk of depression in …
from sociopsychological problems such as behavioral problems. The risk of depression in …
The effectiveness of Dohsa-hou psychological rehabilitation program on severity of fatigue, depression, anxiety, stress and improve the quality of life in subjects with …
B Rigikouteh, F Yazdkhasti… - Journal of Research in …, 2013 -
Introduction: Subjects with Multiple sclerosis (MS) suffer from negative mood disorder due to
physical-mental symptoms and failure to accept realities and chronic fatigue have negative …
physical-mental symptoms and failure to accept realities and chronic fatigue have negative …