[HTML][HTML] State of Himalayan cryosphere and implications for water security
The Himalayan region has a large concentration of glaciers and seasonal snow. Recent
advances in remote sensing technologies have made it possible to study previously …
advances in remote sensing technologies have made it possible to study previously …
Challenges in understanding the variability of the cryosphere in the Himalaya and its impact on regional water resources
The Himalaya plays a vital role in regulating the freshwater availability for nearly a billion
people living in the Indus, Ganga, and Brahmaputra River basins. Due to climate change …
people living in the Indus, Ganga, and Brahmaputra River basins. Due to climate change …
Tracking 21st century climate dynamics of the Third Pole: An analysis of topo-climate impacts on snow cover in the central Himalaya using Google Earth Engine
Research on the Himalayan cryosphere has increasingly focused on climate change,
considering aspects such as snow cover dynamics, precipitation and temperature trends …
considering aspects such as snow cover dynamics, precipitation and temperature trends …
Analyzing and forecasting climate variability in Nainital district, India using non-parametric methods and ensemble machine learning algorithms
The mountainous areas are vulnerable to climate change and may have many socio-
economic and environmental implications. The changing pattern of meteorological variables …
economic and environmental implications. The changing pattern of meteorological variables …
Elevation dependent climate assessment and its influence on snow cover variability in Hindu Kush Himalayan region using Google Earth Engine for the period of …
Abstract The Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) regions are taken for this study, which is
predominantly characterized by amplified climatic uncertainty and rapid snow melting …
predominantly characterized by amplified climatic uncertainty and rapid snow melting …
Trend of snow cover under the influence of climate change using Google Earth Engine platform: A case study of Astore (Western Himalayas) and Shigar (Karakoram …
Freshwater resources present in the Upper Indus Basin (UIB) supply water to Pakistan's
irrigation. Half of the annual water discharge in the UIB is contributed from the glacier and …
irrigation. Half of the annual water discharge in the UIB is contributed from the glacier and …
Elevation-dependent snow cover dynamics and associated topo-climate impacts in upper Indus River basin
In the present study, Improved Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectro-radiometer (MODIS)
snow cover product (MOYDGL06∗) has been used to evaluate the snow cover area (SCA) …
snow cover product (MOYDGL06∗) has been used to evaluate the snow cover area (SCA) …
Multispectral characteristics of glacier surface facies (Chandra-Bhaga Basin, Himalaya, and Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard) through investigations of pixel and object-based …
Fundamental image processing methods, such as atmospheric corrections and
pansharpening, influence the signal of the pixel. This morphs the spectral signature of target …
pansharpening, influence the signal of the pixel. This morphs the spectral signature of target …
Spatio-temporal snow cover change in the early twenty-first century using improved MODIS dataset: a case study of District Hunza, Pakistan
Climate change has a massive influence on cryosphere around the globe, particularly in the
Hindukush, Karakoram, and Himalayan (HKH) region which is jeopardizing water resources …
Hindukush, Karakoram, and Himalayan (HKH) region which is jeopardizing water resources …
Modeling runoff responses to 1.5 C and 2 C rise in temperature in snow-fed basin of western Himalayas
Abstract Snowmelt Runoff Model (SRM) was employed to study the impact of climate change
on the hydrology of the Sindh basin. The model was calibrated for the year 2010 and …
on the hydrology of the Sindh basin. The model was calibrated for the year 2010 and …