Gene–environment interactions and their impact on human health
The molecular processes underlying human health and disease are highly complex. Often,
genetic and environmental factors contribute to a given disease or phenotype in a non …
genetic and environmental factors contribute to a given disease or phenotype in a non …
Hazardous effects of chemical pesticides on human health–Cancer and other associated disorders
Poisoning from pesticides is a global public health problem and accounts for nearly 300,000
deaths worldwide every year. Exposure to pesticides is inevitable; there are different modes …
deaths worldwide every year. Exposure to pesticides is inevitable; there are different modes …
RAD sequencing reveals within‐generation polygenic selection in response to anthropogenic organic and metal contamination in North Atlantic Eels
Measuring the effects of selection on the genome imposed by human‐altered environment is
currently a major goal in ecological genomics. Given the polygenic basis of most phenotypic …
currently a major goal in ecological genomics. Given the polygenic basis of most phenotypic …
The cytotoxicity of core-shell or non-shell structure quantum dots and reflection on environmental friendly: A review
Z Wang, M Tang - Environmental Research, 2021 - Elsevier
Quantum dots are widely applicated into bioindustry and research owing to its superior
properties such as broad excitation spectra, narrow bandwidth emission spectra and high …
properties such as broad excitation spectra, narrow bandwidth emission spectra and high …
[HTML][HTML] Environmental influences on reproductive health: the importance of chemical exposures
Chemical exposures during pregnancy can have a profound and life-long impact on human
health. Because of the omnipresence of chemicals in our daily life, there is continuous …
health. Because of the omnipresence of chemicals in our daily life, there is continuous …
[HTML][HTML] Heavy metals in the environment and thyroid cancer
F Gianì, R Masto, MA Trovato, P Malandrino, M Russo… - Cancers, 2021 - mdpi.com
Simple Summary Epidemiological observations indicate that the incidence of thyroid cancer
is increased in volcanic areas. Indeed, in the volcanic area of Sicily, where residents are …
is increased in volcanic areas. Indeed, in the volcanic area of Sicily, where residents are …
Monitoring of organochlorine pesticides in blood of women with uterine cervix cancer
ÁGP Rodríguez, MIR López, TÁDV Casillas… - Environmental …, 2017 - Elsevier
Abstract In Yucatan, Mexico, chronic exposure of Mayan population to pesticides is expected
as about 30 per cent are drinking polluted water. Residues of organochlorine pesticides …
as about 30 per cent are drinking polluted water. Residues of organochlorine pesticides …
[HTML][HTML] Uso de agrotóxicos e mortalidade por câncer em regiões de monoculturas
LS Dutra, AP Ferreira, MAP Horta, PR Palhares - Saúde em Debate, 2021 - SciELO Brasil
RESUMO O uso de agrotóxicos na agricultura brasileira é um problema de saúde pública,
dadas as contaminações no ambiente, em alimentos e as intoxicações resultantes do uso …
dadas as contaminações no ambiente, em alimentos e as intoxicações resultantes do uso …
Multi-biomarker responses to pesticides in an agricultural population from Central Brazil
JSA Ramos, TMA Pedroso, FR Godoy… - Science of the Total …, 2021 - Elsevier
We evaluated farmworkers exposed to pesticides and individuals with no history of
occupational exposure to pesticides. It was performed the comet assay to evaluate DNA …
occupational exposure to pesticides. It was performed the comet assay to evaluate DNA …
[HTML][HTML] Geo-epidemiology and environmental co-variate map** of primary biliary cholangitis and primary sclerosing cholangitis
Background & Aims Autoimmune liver disease (AILD) is thought to result from a complex
interplay between genetics and the environment. Studies to date have focussed on primary …
interplay between genetics and the environment. Studies to date have focussed on primary …