[HTML][HTML] Alteration of brain network topology in HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder: A novel functional connectivity perspective
HIV is capable of invading the brain soon after seroconversion. This ultimately can lead to
deficits in multiple cognitive domains commonly referred to as HIV-associated …
deficits in multiple cognitive domains commonly referred to as HIV-associated …
Exploring connectivity with large-scale Granger causality on resting-state functional MRI
Abstract Background Large-scale Granger causality (lsGC) is a recently developed, resting-
state functional MRI (fMRI) connectivity analysis approach that estimates multivariate voxel …
state functional MRI (fMRI) connectivity analysis approach that estimates multivariate voxel …
Classification of schizophrenia from functional MRI using large-scale extended Granger causality
A Wismüller, MA Vosoughi - Medical Imaging 2021: Computer …, 2021 - spiedigitallibrary.org
The literature manifests that schizophrenia is associated with alterations in brain network
connectivity. We investigate whether large-scale Extended Granger Causality (lsXGC) can …
connectivity. We investigate whether large-scale Extended Granger Causality (lsXGC) can …
Mutual connectivity analysis of resting-state functional MRI data with local models
Functional connectivity analysis of functional MRI (fMRI) can represent brain networks and
reveal insights into interactions amongst different brain regions. However, most connectivity …
reveal insights into interactions amongst different brain regions. However, most connectivity …
Large-scale kernelized granger causality (lskgc) for inferring topology of directed graphs in brain networks
MA Vosoughi, A Wismüller - Medical Imaging 2022 …, 2022 - spiedigitallibrary.org
Graph topology inference in networks with co-evolving and interacting time-series is crucial
for network studies. Vector autoregressive models (VAR) are popular approaches for …
for network studies. Vector autoregressive models (VAR) are popular approaches for …
Large-scale extended granger causality for classification of marijuana users from functional mri
MA Vosoughi, A Wismüller - Medical Imaging 2021 …, 2021 - spiedigitallibrary.org
It has been shown in the literature that marijuana use is associated with changes in brain
network connectivity. We investigate whether large-scale Extended Granger Causality …
network connectivity. We investigate whether large-scale Extended Granger Causality …
Large-scale augmented Granger causality (lsAGC) for connectivity analysis in complex systems: From computer simulations to functional MRI (fMRI)
A Wismüller, MA Vosoughi - Medical Imaging 2021 …, 2021 - spiedigitallibrary.org
We introduce large-scale Augmented Granger Causality (lsAGC) as a method for
connectivity analysis in complex systems. The lsAGC algorithm combines dimension …
connectivity analysis in complex systems. The lsAGC algorithm combines dimension …
Anatomical landmark detection in chest x-ray images using transformer-based networks
A Kasturi, A Vosoughi, N Hadjiyski… - Medical Imaging …, 2024 - spiedigitallibrary.org
In this work, we utilize a Transformer-based network for precise anatomical landmark
detection in chest X-ray images. By combining the strengths of Transformers and UNet …
detection in chest X-ray images. By combining the strengths of Transformers and UNet …
Detecting landmarks in anatomical medical images using transformer-based networks
Landmark detection is critical in medical imaging for accurate diagnosis and treatment of
diseases. While there are many automated methods for landmark detection, the potential of …
diseases. While there are many automated methods for landmark detection, the potential of …
Comparing brain connectivity metrics: a didactic tutorial with a toy model and experimental data
Objective. The objective of this paper is to didactically compare resting state connectivity
networks computed using two different methods called phase locking value (PLV) and …
networks computed using two different methods called phase locking value (PLV) and …