SIMDRAM: A framework for bit-serial SIMD processing using DRAM
Processing-using-DRAM has been proposed for a limited set of basic operations (ie, logic
operations, addition). However, in order to enable full adoption of processing-using-DRAM …
operations, addition). However, in order to enable full adoption of processing-using-DRAM …
DAMOV: A new methodology and benchmark suite for evaluating data movement bottlenecks
Data movement between the CPU and main memory is a first-order obstacle against improv
ing performance, scalability, and energy efficiency in modern systems. Computer systems …
ing performance, scalability, and energy efficiency in modern systems. Computer systems …
Near-memory computing: Past, present, and future
The conventional approach of moving data to the CPU for computation has become a
significant performance bottleneck for emerging scale-out data-intensive applications due to …
significant performance bottleneck for emerging scale-out data-intensive applications due to …
CoNDA: Efficient cache coherence support for near-data accelerators
Specialized on-chip accelerators are widely used to improve the energy efficiency of
computing systems. Recent advances in memory technology have enabled near-data …
computing systems. Recent advances in memory technology have enabled near-data …
The mondrian data engine
The increasing demand for extracting value out of ever-growing data poses an ongoing
challenge to system designers, a task only made trickier by the end of Dennard scaling. As …
challenge to system designers, a task only made trickier by the end of Dennard scaling. As …
pluto: Enabling massively parallel computation in dram via lookup tables
Data movement between the main memory and the processor is a key contributor to
execution time and energy consumption in memory-intensive applications. This data …
execution time and energy consumption in memory-intensive applications. This data …
Demeter: A fast and energy-efficient food profiler using hyperdimensional computing in memory
Food profiling is an essential step in any food monitoring system needed to prevent health
risks and potential frauds in the food industry. Significant improvements in sequencing …
risks and potential frauds in the food industry. Significant improvements in sequencing …
Mosaic pages: Big TLB reach with small pages
The TLB is increasingly a bottleneck for big data applications. In most designs, the number
of TLB entries are highly constrained by latency requirements, and growing much more …
of TLB entries are highly constrained by latency requirements, and growing much more …
Polynesia: Enabling High-Performance and Energy-Efficient Hybrid Transactional/Analytical Databases with Hardware/Software Co-Design
A growth in data volume, combined with increasing demand for real-time analysis (using the
most recent data), has resulted in the emergence of database systems that concurrently …
most recent data), has resulted in the emergence of database systems that concurrently …
Rebooting virtual memory with midgard
Computer systems designers are building cache hierarchies with higher capacity to capture
the ever-increasing working sets of modern workloads. Cache hierarchies with higher …
the ever-increasing working sets of modern workloads. Cache hierarchies with higher …