Resgatar a participação: para uma crítica sobre o lado oculto do conceito
N Carpentier, AD Melo… - Comunicação e …, 2019 - journals.openedition.org
Este artigo regressa a uma teorização aprofundada sobre o conceito de participação, com o
objetivo de refletir sobre a natureza da participação e demonstrar alguns dos problemas …
objetivo de refletir sobre a natureza da participação e demonstrar alguns dos problemas …
Rescuing participation: A critique on the dark participation concept
N Carpentier, AD Melo… - Comunicação e …, 2019 - journals.openedition.org
This article returns to the in-depth theorisations about participation in order to reflect about
the nature of participation, and to demonstrate some of the problems inherent to the …
the nature of participation, and to demonstrate some of the problems inherent to the …
Semiotic analysis of environmental communication campaigns
A Catellani - The routledge handbook of nonprofit communication, 2022 - taylorfrancis.com
This chapter presents a specific version of semiotics and its application to the analysis of
environmental communication campaigns of environmentalist nongovernmental …
environmental communication campaigns of environmentalist nongovernmental …
From ignorance to resonance: analysis of the transformative potential of dissensus and agonistic deliberation in sustainability communication
F Weder, D Voci - International Journal of Communication, 2021 - ijoc.org
In an intensifying climate crisis with sustainability as a moral framework for political,
corporate, and individual behavior, there is a broad range of nonprofit organizations …
corporate, and individual behavior, there is a broad range of nonprofit organizations …
[CARTE][B] Performance Measurement in Non-Profit Organizations: The Road to Integrated Reporting
P Gazzola, S Amelio - 2022 - taylorfrancis.com
Performance Measurement in Non-Profit Organizations: The Road to Integrated Reporting
addresses the issue of performance measurement in nonprofit companies with the aim of …
addresses the issue of performance measurement in nonprofit companies with the aim of …
Stop the frack! Exploring the media's portrayal of the social representation of an anti-fracking protest at the Baltic Sea
B Bigl - Environmental Communication, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Public acceptance is crucial for the implementation of new energy technologies related to
climate change. Supporters promote fracking as a sustainable, flexible and affordable …
climate change. Supporters promote fracking as a sustainable, flexible and affordable …
[CARTE][B] Lighting Up the Blackbox--Digital Transformation in German Lobbying
K Kuhn - 2023 - Springer
Digital transformation, alongside social media channels, influences policymaking. The aim
of this research is to build knowledge of the consequences of digital transformation on …
of this research is to build knowledge of the consequences of digital transformation on …
Communication and activist literacy for social change in feminist movements
This chapter addresses the role of communication and information practices in recent
feminist activism. Specifically, it analyses the case of the 8M women's strikes in Spain and …
feminist activism. Specifically, it analyses the case of the 8M women's strikes in Spain and …
Communication monitoring and evaluation in the nonprofit sector
G O'Neil - The Routledge handbook of nonprofit communication, 2022 - taylorfrancis.com
There has been an increased focus on monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of communication
in the past decades. Communicators today are monitoring and evaluating their activities …
in the past decades. Communicators today are monitoring and evaluating their activities …
Nivelar os pratos da balança: Estudo da Comunicação Organizacional como fator de sustentabilidade nas parcerias estratégicas entre organizações solidárias e …
AMGC Figueira - 2018 - repositorium.uminho.pt
A complexidade crescente dos problemas sociais exige às organizações solidárias,
basilares no apoio social, novas estratégias de comunicação. Os tradicionais modelos …
basilares no apoio social, novas estratégias de comunicação. Os tradicionais modelos …