Mangrove health: A review of functions, threats, and challenges associated with mangrove management practices
Mangroves stand out as one of the most diverse and biologically significant natural systems
in the world. Playing critical roles in maintaining the health and productivity of coastal …
in the world. Playing critical roles in maintaining the health and productivity of coastal …
Marshes and mangroves as nature-based coastal storm buffers
Tidal marshes and mangroves are increasingly valued for nature-based mitigation of coastal
storm impacts, such as flooding and shoreline erosion hazards, which are growing due to …
storm impacts, such as flooding and shoreline erosion hazards, which are growing due to …
Map** global distribution of mangrove forests at 10-m resolution
Mangrove forests deliver incredible ecosystem goods and services and are enormously
relevant to sustainable living. An accurate assessment of the global status of mangrove …
relevant to sustainable living. An accurate assessment of the global status of mangrove …
High-resolution map** of losses and gains of Earth's tidal wetlands
Tidal wetlands are expected to respond dynamically to global environmental change, but the
extent to which wetland losses have been offset by gains remains poorly understood. We …
extent to which wetland losses have been offset by gains remains poorly understood. We …
Oceans and coastal ecosystems and their services
Ocean and coastal ecosystems support life on Earth and many aspects of human well-being.
Covering two-thirds of the planet, the ocean hosts vast biodiversity and modulates the global …
Covering two-thirds of the planet, the ocean hosts vast biodiversity and modulates the global …
Agriculture, forestry and other land uses (chapter 7)
The Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) sector encompasses managed
ecosystems and offers significant mitigation opportunities while delivering food, wood and …
ecosystems and offers significant mitigation opportunities while delivering food, wood and …
Impacts of urban expansion on natural habitats in global drylands
Urban regions across the world have expanded rapidly in recent decades, affecting fragile
natural habitats, including in drylands, and threatening the achievement of the UN …
natural habitats, including in drylands, and threatening the achievement of the UN …
Drivers of global mangrove loss and gain in social-ecological systems
Mangrove forests store high amounts of carbon, protect communities from storms, and
support fisheries. Mangroves exist in complex social-ecological systems, hence identifying …
support fisheries. Mangroves exist in complex social-ecological systems, hence identifying …
Achieving the Kunming–Montreal global biodiversity targets for blue carbon ecosystems
Abstract The Kunming–Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KM-GBF) provides a major
impetus for the restoration and conservation of blue carbon ecosystems to address the …
impetus for the restoration and conservation of blue carbon ecosystems to address the …
[HTML][HTML] A review of spectral indices for mangrove remote sensing
Mangrove ecosystems provide critical goods and ecosystem services to coastal
communities and contribute to climate change mitigation. Over four decades, remote …
communities and contribute to climate change mitigation. Over four decades, remote …