Most tensor problems are NP-hard
We prove that multilinear (tensor) analogues of many efficiently computable problems in
numerical linear algebra are NP-hard. Our list includes: determining the feasibility of a …
numerical linear algebra are NP-hard. Our list includes: determining the feasibility of a …
Machine learning and portfolio optimization
The portfolio optimization model has limited impact in practice because of estimation issues
when applied to real data. To address this, we adapt two machine learning methods …
when applied to real data. To address this, we adapt two machine learning methods …
On the estimation of pareto front and dimensional similarity in many-objective evolutionary algorithm
Evolutionary algorithms have been proven to be effective in solving multi-objective
optimization problems. However, their performance deteriorates progressively in handling …
optimization problems. However, their performance deteriorates progressively in handling …
Consistency of the standard model effective field theory
We derive bounds on couplings in the standard model effective field theory (SMEFT) as a
consequence of causality and the analytic structure of scattering amplitudes. In the SMEFT …
consequence of causality and the analytic structure of scattering amplitudes. In the SMEFT …
Undecidability and hardness in mixed-integer nonlinear programming
We survey two aspects of mixed-integer nonlinear programming which have attracted less
attention (so far) than solution methods, solvers and applications: namely, whether the class …
attention (so far) than solution methods, solvers and applications: namely, whether the class …
A hybrid LP/NLP paradigm for global optimization relaxations
Polyhedral relaxations have been incorporated in a variety of solvers for the global
optimization of mixed-integer nonlinear programs. Currently, these relaxations constitute the …
optimization of mixed-integer nonlinear programs. Currently, these relaxations constitute the …
Positive signs in massive gravity
A bstract We derive new constraints on massive gravity from unitarity and analyticity of
scattering amplitudes. Our results apply to a general effective theory defined by Einstein …
scattering amplitudes. Our results apply to a general effective theory defined by Einstein …
Extraction of the proton radius from electron-proton scattering data
We perform a new analysis of electron-proton scattering data to determine the proton electric
and magnetic radii, enforcing model-independent constraints from form factor analyticity. A …
and magnetic radii, enforcing model-independent constraints from form factor analyticity. A …
DSOS and SDSOS optimization: LP and SOCP-based alternatives to sum of squares optimization
Sum of squares (SOS) optimization has been a powerful and influential addition to the
theory of optimization in the past decade. Its reliance on relatively large-scale semidefinite …
theory of optimization in the past decade. Its reliance on relatively large-scale semidefinite …
Amoebas, nonnegative polynomials and sums of squares supported on circuits
We completely characterize sections of the cones of nonnegative polynomials, convex
polynomials and sums of squares with polynomials supported on circuits, a genuine class of …
polynomials and sums of squares with polynomials supported on circuits, a genuine class of …