Ultrafast optical manipulation of magnetic order in ferromagnetic materials
The interaction between ultrafast lasers and magnetic materials is an appealing topic. It not
only involves interesting fundamental questions that remain inconclusive and hence need …
only involves interesting fundamental questions that remain inconclusive and hence need …
Photon beam transport and scientific instruments at the European XFEL
Featured Application This article describes the layout of the European XFEL, a soft and hard
X-ray free-electron laser user facility starting operation in 2017. Emphasis is put on the …
X-ray free-electron laser user facility starting operation in 2017. Emphasis is put on the …
Towards the nonlinear acousto-magneto-plasmonics
We review the recent progress in experimental and theoretical research of interactions
between the acoustic, magnetic and plasmonic transients in hybrid metal-ferromagnet …
between the acoustic, magnetic and plasmonic transients in hybrid metal-ferromagnet …
Hot-Electron-Induced Ultrafast Demagnetization in Multilayers
Using specially engineered structures to tailor the optical absorption in a metallic multilayer,
we analyze the magnetization dynamics of a Co/Pt multilayer buried below a thick Cu layer …
we analyze the magnetization dynamics of a Co/Pt multilayer buried below a thick Cu layer …
Critical behavior within 20 fs drives the out-of-equilibrium laser-induced magnetic phase transition in nickel
It has long been known that ferromagnets undergo a phase transition from ferromagnetic to
paramagnetic at the Curie temperature, associated with critical phenomena such as a …
paramagnetic at the Curie temperature, associated with critical phenomena such as a …
Direct versus indirect excitation of ultrafast magnetization dynamics in FeNi alloys
Ultrafast demagnetization can be induced either coherently by direct interaction with the
optical light field or indirectly via excitation of the electron system, which subsequently …
optical light field or indirectly via excitation of the electron system, which subsequently …
Relationship between magnetic asymmetry and magnetization in ultrafast transverse magneto-optical Kerr effect spectroscopy in the extreme ultraviolet spectral range
Ultrafast transverse magneto-optical Kerr effect (T-MOKE) spectroscopy in the extreme
ultraviolet spectral range provides element-specific information about the magnetization …
ultraviolet spectral range provides element-specific information about the magnetization …
Ultrafast optically induced ferromagnetic state in an elemental antiferromagnet
We present evidence for an ultrafast optically induced ferromagnetic alignment of
antiferromagnetic Mn in Co/Mn multilayers. We observe the transient ferromagnetic signal at …
antiferromagnetic Mn in Co/Mn multilayers. We observe the transient ferromagnetic signal at …
Ultrafast magnetic switching of GdFeCo with electronic heat currents
We report the magnetic response of Pt/Au/GdFeCo trilayers to optical irradiation of the Pt
surface. For trilayers with Au thickness greater than 50 nm, the great majority of energy is …
surface. For trilayers with Au thickness greater than 50 nm, the great majority of energy is …
Néel vector switching and terahertz spin-wave excitation in due to femtosecond spin-transfer torques
Efficient and fast manipulation of antiferromagnets has to date remained a challenging task,
hindering their application in spintronic devices. For ultrafast operation of such devices, it is …
hindering their application in spintronic devices. For ultrafast operation of such devices, it is …