Ultrafast optical manipulation of magnetic order in ferromagnetic materials

C Wang, Y Liu - Nano Convergence, 2020 - Springer
The interaction between ultrafast lasers and magnetic materials is an appealing topic. It not
only involves interesting fundamental questions that remain inconclusive and hence need …

Photon beam transport and scientific instruments at the European XFEL

T Tschentscher, C Bressler, J Grünert, A Madsen… - Applied Sciences, 2017 - mdpi.com
Featured Application This article describes the layout of the European XFEL, a soft and hard
X-ray free-electron laser user facility starting operation in 2017. Emphasis is put on the …

Towards the nonlinear acousto-magneto-plasmonics

VV Temnov, I Razdolski, T Pezeril, D Makarov… - Journal of …, 2016 - iopscience.iop.org
We review the recent progress in experimental and theoretical research of interactions
between the acoustic, magnetic and plasmonic transients in hybrid metal-ferromagnet …

Hot-Electron-Induced Ultrafast Demagnetization in Multilayers

N Bergeard, M Hehn, S Mangin, G Lengaigne… - Physical review …, 2016 - APS
Using specially engineered structures to tailor the optical absorption in a metallic multilayer,
we analyze the magnetization dynamics of a Co/Pt multilayer buried below a thick Cu layer …

Critical behavior within 20 fs drives the out-of-equilibrium laser-induced magnetic phase transition in nickel

P Tengdin, W You, C Chen, X Shi, D Zusin, Y Zhang… - Science …, 2018 - science.org
It has long been known that ferromagnets undergo a phase transition from ferromagnetic to
paramagnetic at the Curie temperature, associated with critical phenomena such as a …

Direct versus indirect excitation of ultrafast magnetization dynamics in FeNi alloys

C von Korff Schmising, S Jana, O Zülich, D Sommer… - Physical Review …, 2024 - APS
Ultrafast demagnetization can be induced either coherently by direct interaction with the
optical light field or indirectly via excitation of the electron system, which subsequently …

Relationship between magnetic asymmetry and magnetization in ultrafast transverse magneto-optical Kerr effect spectroscopy in the extreme ultraviolet spectral range

J Richter, S Jana, M Hennecke, D Schick… - Physical Review B, 2024 - APS
Ultrafast transverse magneto-optical Kerr effect (T-MOKE) spectroscopy in the extreme
ultraviolet spectral range provides element-specific information about the magnetization …

Ultrafast optically induced ferromagnetic state in an elemental antiferromagnet

E Golias, I Kumberg, I Gelen, S Thakur, J Gördes… - Physical Review Letters, 2021 - APS
We present evidence for an ultrafast optically induced ferromagnetic alignment of
antiferromagnetic Mn in Co/Mn multilayers. We observe the transient ferromagnetic signal at …

Ultrafast magnetic switching of GdFeCo with electronic heat currents

RB Wilson, J Gorchon, Y Yang, CH Lambert… - Physical Review B, 2017 - APS
We report the magnetic response of Pt/Au/GdFeCo trilayers to optical irradiation of the Pt
surface. For trilayers with Au thickness greater than 50 nm, the great majority of energy is …

Néel vector switching and terahertz spin-wave excitation in due to femtosecond spin-transfer torques

M Weißenhofer, F Foggetti, U Nowak, PM Oppeneer - Physical Review B, 2023 - APS
Efficient and fast manipulation of antiferromagnets has to date remained a challenging task,
hindering their application in spintronic devices. For ultrafast operation of such devices, it is …