An austral anuran assemblage in the Neotropics: seasonal occurrence correlated with photoperiod
The study describes habitat use and temporal occurrence of calling males for an austral
anuran assemblage in the Neotropics, southern Brazil. Three study sites (S1–a permanent …
anuran assemblage in the Neotropics, southern Brazil. Three study sites (S1–a permanent …
Influence of the environmental heterogeneity of breeding ponds on anuran assemblages from southeastern Brazil
We hypothesized that the environmental heterogeneity of breeding ponds influences the
species composition and species richness of anuran assemblages from southeastern Brazil …
species composition and species richness of anuran assemblages from southeastern Brazil …
Distribuição temporal e espacial de anuros em área de Pampa, Santa Maria, RS
Este estudo teve como objetivo determinar a riqueza, a constância de ocorrência, os modos
reprodutivos, o padrão de distribuição da abundância, a temporada de vocalização e testar …
reprodutivos, o padrão de distribuição da abundância, a temporada de vocalização e testar …
[HTML][HTML] Distribuição temporal e diversidade de modos reprodutivos de anfíbios anuros no Parque Nacional das Emas e entorno, estado de Goiás, Brasil
As comunidades de anfíbios anuros, principalmente de regiões tropicais, são influenciadas
diretamente pelas condições ambientais, as quais desempenham um papel importante na …
diretamente pelas condições ambientais, as quais desempenham um papel importante na …
Breeding habitat and landscape correlates of frog diversity and abundance in a tropical agricultural landscape
The biodiversity values of temporary pools in tropical ecosystems are poorly understood.
Such wetlands are often threatened by agriculture. Constructed pools provide a means to …
Such wetlands are often threatened by agriculture. Constructed pools provide a means to …
Climatic variables and altitude as predictors of anuran species richness and number of reproductive modes in Brazil
Because anuran species are highly dependent on environmental variables, we
hypothesized that anuran species richness and the number of reproductive modes from …
hypothesized that anuran species richness and the number of reproductive modes from …
Relation between water balance and climatic variables associated with the geographical distribution of anurans
Amphibian species richness increases toward the equator, particularly in humid tropical
forests. This relation between amphibian species richness and environmental water …
forests. This relation between amphibian species richness and environmental water …
[PDF][PDF] Tropical tadpole assemblages: which factors affect their structure and distribution?
VB Júnior, CF Rocha - Oecologia Australis, 2013 - researchgate.net
Tropical tadpoles may occur in a range of aquatic habitats, from tree holes (eg, fitolimns), to
permanent ponds and streams. Thus, tadpoles are exposed to a different sort of biotic and …
permanent ponds and streams. Thus, tadpoles are exposed to a different sort of biotic and …
[HTML][HTML] Anfíbios do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil: conhecimento atual e perspectivas
A última lista de espécies do Estado de São Paulo foi atualizada, totalizando 236 espécies
de anfíbios, das quais 230 são anuros e seis são Gymnophiona. Foram removidos da lista …
de anfíbios, das quais 230 são anuros e seis são Gymnophiona. Foram removidos da lista …
ATLANTIC AMPHIBIANS: a data set of amphibian communities from the Atlantic Forests of South America.
Abstract: Amphibians are among the most threatened vertebrates in the world and this is
also true for those inhabiting the Atlantic Forest hotspot, living in ecosystems that are highly …
also true for those inhabiting the Atlantic Forest hotspot, living in ecosystems that are highly …