RZ line coding scheme with direct laser modulation for upgrading optical transmission systems
This study reports the efficient use of a direct laser modulated response measured with the
return-to-zero coding scheme in optical transmission systems. The measured direct laser …
return-to-zero coding scheme in optical transmission systems. The measured direct laser …
Fundamental pillars for industry 4.0 development: implementation framework and challenges in manufacturing environment
Purpose At the present time, Industry 4.0 has proven its effectiveness and significance in
automation and data exchange within industries across different sectors worldwide. In the …
automation and data exchange within industries across different sectors worldwide. In the …
The engagement of hybrid ultra high space division multiplexing with maximum time division multiplexing techniques for high-speed single-mode fiber cable systems
High-speed single-mode fiber-optic communication systems have been presented based on
various hybrid multiplexing schemes. Refractive index step and silica-doped germanium …
various hybrid multiplexing schemes. Refractive index step and silica-doped germanium …
Six Sigma methodology and implementation in Indian context: a review-based study
Six Sigma is a highly disciplined approach used to reduce process variation and improve
quality by analyzing the recorded data thoroughly using statistical tools. In recent years, the …
quality by analyzing the recorded data thoroughly using statistical tools. In recent years, the …
Symmetrical and post dispersion compensation in WDM optical communication systems
In this paper, new symmetrical and post dispersion compensation schemes are proposed
and investigated. Each scheme has many cases. Each case has a certain connection for the …
and investigated. Each scheme has many cases. Each case has a certain connection for the …
Performance enhancement of encoding–decoding multidiagonal and Walsh Hadamard codes for spectral amplitude coding-optical code division multiple access …
MH Majeed, RK Ahmed - Journal of Optical Communications, 2023 - degruyter.com
Abstract Spectral Amplitude Coding-Optical Codes Division Multiple Access (SAC-OCDMA)
is a future multiplexing technique that witnessed a dramatic attraction for eliminating the …
is a future multiplexing technique that witnessed a dramatic attraction for eliminating the …
Deep neural network model for better print line connection in fused deposition modeling
Nowadays, Additive Manufacturing (AM) mechanisms have developed in digital
manufacturing technology like Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), 3D printing technology …
manufacturing technology like Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), 3D printing technology …
Design of high speed optical fiber cables and transmission techniques in advanced optical networks
AR Elhelw, AENA Mohamed… - Menoufia Journal of …, 2020 - mjeer.journals.ekb.eg
In the present paper, design of high velocity fiber-optic communication networks with ultra
wide-dense wavelength division multiplexing (UW-DWDM), space division multiplexing …
wide-dense wavelength division multiplexing (UW-DWDM), space division multiplexing …
The Value Engineering Way: A Case of Industrial Fans
In current era, every organization wants continuous improvement to cope up with
competitive market. Continuous improvement achievement and its sustainability are still very …
competitive market. Continuous improvement achievement and its sustainability are still very …