Medicinal plants meet modern biodiversity science
CC Davis, P Choisy - Current Biology, 2024 - cell.com
Plants have been an essential source of human medicine for millennia. In this review, we
argue that a holistic, interdisciplinary approach to the study of medicinal plants that …
argue that a holistic, interdisciplinary approach to the study of medicinal plants that …
A US Pharmacopeia (USP) overview of Pan American botanicals used in dietary supplements and herbal medicines
The United States Pharmacopeial Convention (USP) is a nonprofit, scientific, standard-
setting organization, and world leader in establishing quality, purity, and testing standards …
setting organization, and world leader in establishing quality, purity, and testing standards …
Changing markets–medicinal plants in the markets of La Paz and El Alto, Bolivia
Ethnopharmacological relevance Given the importance of local markets as a source of
medicinal plants for both healers and the population, literature on market flows and the …
medicinal plants for both healers and the population, literature on market flows and the …
Attenuation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm formation by Vitexin: A combinatorial study with azithromycin and gentamicin
Microbial biofilm are communities of surface-adhered cells enclosed in a matrix of
extracellular polymeric substances. Extensive use of antibiotics to treat biofilm associated …
extracellular polymeric substances. Extensive use of antibiotics to treat biofilm associated …
Astonishing diversity—the medicinal plant markets of Bogotá, Colombia
Background Despite the importance of local markets as a source of medicinal plants in
Colombia, comparatively little comparative research reports on the pharmacopoeiae sold …
Colombia, comparatively little comparative research reports on the pharmacopoeiae sold …
PeruNPDB: the Peruvian Natural Products Database for in silico drug screening
Since the number of drugs based on natural products (NPs) represents a large source of
novel pharmacological entities, NPs have acquired significance in drug discovery. Peru is …
novel pharmacological entities, NPs have acquired significance in drug discovery. Peru is …
Medicinal plants sold at traditional markets in southern Ecuador
F Tinitana, M Rios, JC Romero-Benavides… - Journal of ethnobiology …, 2016 - Springer
Background The traditional markets in southern Ecuador and within the Andean region are
especially important for plant resource trading among local people, even since before …
especially important for plant resource trading among local people, even since before …
Access and Benefit Sharing Under the Nagoya Protocol—Quo Vadis? Six Latin American Case Studies Assessing Opportunities and Risk
Background Global challenges related to access and benefit sharing (ABS) of biological
resources have become a key concern in the area of research on herbal medicines …
resources have become a key concern in the area of research on herbal medicines …
Phytochemical screening, antioxidant, immunomodulatory and analgesic potential of aqueous-ethanolic extracts of Euphorbia prostrata ait. and Crotalaria burhia Buch …
MR Aslam, HM Asif, A Alamri, AA Bhutto, M Mukhtiar… - Heliyon, 2024 - cell.com
Euphorbia prostrata (E. prostrata) and Crotalaria burhia (C. burhia) are widely found in flora
of the Cholistan Desert of Bahawalpur, Pakistan and are traditionally used to treat pain and …
of the Cholistan Desert of Bahawalpur, Pakistan and are traditionally used to treat pain and …
Anti-biofilm activity of Marula–a study with the standardized bark extract
Abstract Ethnopharmacological relevance Marula (Sclerocarya birrea; family–
Anacardiaceae) is an African plant, which enjoys wide socio-economic importance …
Anacardiaceae) is an African plant, which enjoys wide socio-economic importance …