Polar ocean observations: A critical gap in the observing system and its effect on environmental predictions from hours to a season
There is a growing need for operational oceanographic predictions in both the Arctic and
Antarctic polar regions. In the former, this is driven by a declining ice cover accompanied by …
Antarctic polar regions. In the former, this is driven by a declining ice cover accompanied by …
Towards reliable Arctic sea ice prediction using multivariate data assimilation
Rapid declines in Arctic sea ice have captured attention and pose significant challenges to a
variety of stakeholders. There is a rising demand for Arctic sea ice prediction at daily to …
variety of stakeholders. There is a rising demand for Arctic sea ice prediction at daily to …
Assimilating SMOS sea ice thickness into a coupled ice‐ocean model using a local SEIK filter
The impact of assimilating sea ice thickness data derived from ESA's Soil Moisture and
Ocean Salinity (SMOS) satellite together with Special Sensor Microwave Imager/Sounder …
Ocean Salinity (SMOS) satellite together with Special Sensor Microwave Imager/Sounder …
Arctic‐wide sea ice thickness estimates from combining satellite remote sensing data and a dynamic ice‐ocean model with data assimilation during the CryoSat‐2 …
Exploiting the complementary character of CryoSat‐2 and Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity
satellite sea ice thickness products, daily Arctic sea ice thickness estimates from October …
satellite sea ice thickness products, daily Arctic sea ice thickness estimates from October …
[HTML][HTML] An evaluation of Antarctic sea-ice thickness from the Global Ice-Ocean Modeling and Assimilation System based on in situ and satellite observations
Antarctic sea ice is an important component of the Earth system. However, its role in the
Earth system is still unclear due to limited Antarctic sea-ice thickness (SIT) data. A reliable …
Earth system is still unclear due to limited Antarctic sea-ice thickness (SIT) data. A reliable …
Optimising assimilation of sea ice concentration in an Earth system model with a multicategory sea ice model
A data assimilation method capable of constraining the sea ice of an Earth system model in
a dynamically consistent manner has the potential to enhance the accuracy of climate …
a dynamically consistent manner has the potential to enhance the accuracy of climate …
Impacts of assimilating satellite sea ice concentration and thickness on Arctic sea ice prediction in the NCEP Climate Forecast System
Here sea ice concentration derived from the Special Sensor Microwave Imager/Sounder and
thickness derived from the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity and CryoSat-2 satellites are …
thickness derived from the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity and CryoSat-2 satellites are …
Improving the ocean and atmosphere in a coupled ocean–atmosphere model by assimilating satellite sea‐surface temperature and subsurface profile data
An ensemble‐based data assimilation framework for a coupled ocean–atmosphere model is
applied to investigate the influence of assimilating different types of ocean observations on …
applied to investigate the influence of assimilating different types of ocean observations on …
Arctic Ice Ocean Prediction System: evaluating sea-ice forecasts during Xuelong's first trans-Arctic Passage in summer 2017
In an effort to improve the reliability of Arctic sea-ice predictions, an ensemble-based Arctic
Ice Ocean Prediction System (ArcIOPS) has been developed to meet operational demands …
Ice Ocean Prediction System (ArcIOPS) has been developed to meet operational demands …
Development of coupled data assimilation with the BCC climate system model: Highlighting the role of sea‐ice assimilation for global analysis
The coupled data assimilation (CDA) system consisting of ocean, sea‐ice, and atmosphere
data assimilation components with the Bei**g Climate Center (BCC) Climate System Model …
data assimilation components with the Bei**g Climate Center (BCC) Climate System Model …