Action potential propagation and synchronisation in myelinated axons

H Schmidt, TR Knösche - PLoS computational biology, 2019 -
With the advent of advanced MRI techniques it has become possible to study axonal white
matter non-invasively and in great detail. Measuring the various parameters of the long …

Generation of matter waves in Bose-Bose mixtures with helicoidal spin-orbit coupling

CB Tabi, S Veni, TC Kofané - Physical Review A, 2021 - APS
The paper studies the modulational instability (MI), both theoretically and numerically, of the
helicoidal spin-orbit coupled Bose-Bose mixture. An expression of the MI growth rate is …

Generation of dissipative solitons in a doped optical fiber modeled by the higher-order dispersive cubic-quintic-septic complex Ginzburg-Landau equation

D Zanga, SI Fewo, CB Tabi, TC Kofané - Physical Review A, 2022 - APS
The generation of dissipative optical solitons is explored in doped fibers with correction
effects under the activation of modulational instability (MI). The model, described by the …

Ephaptic entrainment in hybrid neuronal model

GM Cunha, G Corso, JGV Miranda… - Scientific reports, 2022 -
In recent decades, there has been a growing interest in the impact of electric fields
generated in the brain. Transmembrane ionic currents originate electric fields in the …

[HTML][HTML] Modulational instability and droplet formation in Bose-Bose mixtures with Lee-Huang-Yang correction and polaron-like impurity

CB Tabi, S Veni, E Wamba, TC Kofané - Physics Letters A, 2023 - Elsevier
This letter studies the excitation of nonlinear patterns on the one-dimensional (1D) quantum
droplet in the presence of polaron-like impurity under modulational instability (MI) activation …

Ephaptic coupling in white matter fibre bundles modulates axonal transmission delays

H Schmidt, G Hahn, G Deco… - PLOS Computational …, 2021 -
Axonal connections are widely regarded as faithful transmitters of neuronal signals with
fixed delays. The reasoning behind this is that extracellular potentials caused by spikes …

[HTML][HTML] Modeling the excitation of nerve axons under transcutaneous stimulation

N RaviChandran, J Hope, K Aw, A McDaid - Computers in Biology and …, 2023 - Elsevier
Computational models enable a safe and convenient way to study the excitation of nerve
fibers under external stimulation. Contemporary models calculate the electric field …

Modulational instability in weak nonlocal nonlinear media with competing Kerr and non-Kerr nonlinearities

D Zanga, SI Fewo, CB Tabi, TC Kofané - Communications in Nonlinear …, 2020 - Elsevier
We investigate, theoretically and numerically, the modulational instability of plane waves in
weakly cubic-quintic nonlocal nonlinear media. Theoretically, the Lenz transformation and …

Unstable discrete modes in Hindmarsh–Rose neural networks under magnetic flow effect

CB Tabi, AS Etémé, A Mohamadou, TC Kofané - Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2019 - Elsevier
The competitive effect between electric and magnetic flux couplings is used, in the context of
modulational instability, to describe the collective dynamics in a modified Hindmarsh–Rose …

Electronegative nonlinear oscillating modes in plasmas

CS Panguetna, CB Tabi, TC Kofané - Communications in Nonlinear …, 2018 - Elsevier
The emergence of nonlinear modulated waves is addressed in an unmagnetized
electronegative plasma made of Boltzmann electrons, Boltzmann negative ions and cold …