[KNYGA][B] Spectral spaces
M Dickmann, N Schwartz, M Tressl - 2019 - books.google.com
Spectral spaces are a class of topological spaces. They are a tool linking algebraic
structures, in a very wide sense, with geometry. They were invented to give a functional …
structures, in a very wide sense, with geometry. They were invented to give a functional …
Abstractly constructed prime spectra
The main purpose of this paper is a wide generalization of one of the results abstract
algebraic geometry begins with, namely of the fact that the prime spectrum Spec (R) Spec …
algebraic geometry begins with, namely of the fact that the prime spectrum Spec (R) Spec …
Spectra of groups
The aim of this paper is to investigate the behaviour of prime and semiprime subgroups of
groups, and their relation with the existence of abelian normal subgroups. In particular, we …
groups, and their relation with the existence of abelian normal subgroups. In particular, we …
Prime spectrum and primitive Leavitt path algebras
In this paper a bijection between the set of prime ideals of a Leavitt path algebra LK (E) and
a certain set which involves maximal tails in E and the prime spectrum of K [x, x–1] is …
a certain set which involves maximal tails in E and the prime spectrum of K [x, x–1] is …
Reticulation of quasi-commutative algebras
G Georgescu - arxiv preprint arxiv:2207.06962, 2022 - arxiv.org
The commutator operation in a congruence-modular variety $\mathcal {V} $ allows us to
define the prime congruences of any algebra $ A\in\mathcal {V} $ and the prime spectrum …
define the prime congruences of any algebra $ A\in\mathcal {V} $ and the prime spectrum …
[PDF][PDF] Semidegenerate congruence-modular algebras admitting a reticulation
G Georgescu - Scientific Annals of Computer Science, 2023 - publications.info.uaic.ro
The reticulation L (R) of a commutative ring R was introduced by Joyal in 1975, then the
theory was developed by Simmons in a remarkable paper published in 1980. L (R) is a …
theory was developed by Simmons in a remarkable paper published in 1980. L (R) is a …
Reticulation of an integral complete l-groupoid: An axiomatic approach
G Georgescu - Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2023 - Elsevier
The reticulation of a unital ring R is a bounded distributive lattice L (A) whose main property
is that the Zariski prime spectrum of R is homeomorphic with the Stone prime spectrum of L …
is that the Zariski prime spectrum of R is homeomorphic with the Stone prime spectrum of L …
Publications@ FII
G Georgescu, C Mureșan - publications.info.uaic.ro
The reticulation L (R) of a commutative ring R was introduced by Joyal in 1975, then the
theory was developed by Simmons in a remarkable paper published in 1980. L (R) is a …
theory was developed by Simmons in a remarkable paper published in 1980. L (R) is a …
МЯ Комарницький - imath.kiev.ua
R асоцiативне кiльце з 1= 0; M лiвий унiтальний R-модуль; A абелева група; IlR гратка
всiх лiвих iдеалiв кiльця R; IlM гратка всiх лiвих пiдмодулiв модуля M; P (A) множина всiх …
всiх лiвих iдеалiв кiльця R; IlM гратка всiх лiвих пiдмодулiв модуля M; P (A) множина всiх …
[PDF][PDF] Деякі взаємозв'язки між різними типами спектрів мультиплікаційних модулів та спектральними просторами
МО Малоїд-Глєбова - Математичні студії, 2014 - irbis-nbuv.gov.ua
In this paper we introduce and study the left spectrum and the torsion-theoretic spectrum of
modules and establish some connections between them. In particular, the fact that for a …
modules and establish some connections between them. In particular, the fact that for a …