Simulations of common-envelope evolution in binary stellar systems: physical models and numerical techniques
FK Röpke, O De Marco - Living Reviews in Computational Astrophysics, 2023 - Springer
When the primary star in a close binary system evolves into a giant and engulfs its
companion, its core and the companion temporarily orbit each other inside a common …
companion, its core and the companion temporarily orbit each other inside a common …
Post-dynamical inspiral phase of common envelope evolution-Binary orbit evolution and angular momentum transport
D Gagnier, O Pejcha - Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2023 -
After the companion dynamically plunges through the primary's envelope, the two cores
remain surrounded by a common envelope and the decrease of the orbital period P orb …
remain surrounded by a common envelope and the decrease of the orbital period P orb …
Common envelope binary interaction simulations between a thermally pulsating AGB star and a low mass companion
M González-Bolívar, O De Marco… - Monthly Notices of …, 2022 -
At least one in five of all planetary nebulae are the product of a common envelope (CE)
interaction, where the companion in-spirals into the envelope of an asymptotic giant branch …
interaction, where the companion in-spirals into the envelope of an asymptotic giant branch …
Long-term Evolution of Massive-star Post-common-envelope Circumbinary Disks and the Environments of Fast Luminous Transients
S Tuna, BD Metzger - The Astrophysical Journal, 2023 -
If the envelope of a massive star is not entirely removed during common envelope (CE)
interaction with an orbiting compact (eg, black hole (BH) or neutron star (NS)) companion …
interaction with an orbiting compact (eg, black hole (BH) or neutron star (NS)) companion …
Jets in common envelopes: a low-mass main-sequence star in a red giant
We present small-scale 3D hydrodynamical simulations of the evolution of a 0.3 M⊙ main-
sequence (MS) star that launches two perpendicular jets within the envelope of a 0.88 M⊙ …
sequence (MS) star that launches two perpendicular jets within the envelope of a 0.88 M⊙ …
Gravitational wave emission from dynamical stellar interactions
J Morán-Fraile, FRN Schneider, FK Röpke… - Astronomy & …, 2023 -
We are witnessing the dawn of gravitational wave (GW) astronomy. With currently available
detectors, observations are restricted to GW frequencies in the range between∼ 10 Hz and …
detectors, observations are restricted to GW frequencies in the range between∼ 10 Hz and …
Prospects of gravitational wave detections from common envelope evolution with LISA
Understanding common envelope (CE) evolution is an outstanding problem in binary
evolution. Although the CE phase is not driven by gravitational wave (GW) emission, the …
evolution. Although the CE phase is not driven by gravitational wave (GW) emission, the …
Jets from main sequence and white dwarf companions during common envelope evolution
Y Zou, L Chamandy… - Monthly Notices of …, 2022 -
It has long been speculated that jet feedback from accretion on to the companion during a
common envelope (CE) event could affect the orbital evolution and envelope unbinding …
common envelope (CE) event could affect the orbital evolution and envelope unbinding …
Envelope ejection and the transition to homologous expansion in common-envelope events
V Valsan, SV Borges, L Prust… - Monthly Notices of the …, 2023 -
We conduct a long-time-scale (d) 3D simulation of a common-envelope event with a red
giant and a main-sequence companion, using the moving-mesh hydrodynamic solver …
giant and a main-sequence companion, using the moving-mesh hydrodynamic solver …
Successive common envelope events from multiple planets
Many stars harbour multiplanet systems. As these stars expand late in their evolutions, the
innermost planet may be engulfed, leading to a common envelope (CE) event. Even if this is …
innermost planet may be engulfed, leading to a common envelope (CE) event. Even if this is …