[HTML][HTML] Photonic quantum information processing: A concise review

S Slussarenko, GJ Pryde - Applied physics reviews, 2019 - pubs.aip.org
Photons have been a flagship system for studying quantum mechanics, advancing quantum
information science, and develo** quantum technologies. Quantum entanglement …

High-performance semiconductor quantum-dot single-photon sources

P Senellart, G Solomon, A White - Nature nanotechnology, 2017 - nature.com
Single photons are a fundamental element of most quantum optical technologies. The ideal
single-photon source is an on-demand, deterministic, single-photon source delivering light …

High quality entangled photon pair generation in periodically poled thin-film lithium niobate waveguides

J Zhao, C Ma, M Rüsing, S Mookherjea - Physical review letters, 2020 - APS
A thin-film periodically poled lithium niobate waveguide was designed and fabricated which
generates entangled photon pairs at telecommunications wavelengths with high …

12-photon entanglement and scalable scattershot boson sampling with optimal entangled-photon pairs from parametric down-conversion

HS Zhong, Y Li, W Li, LC Peng, ZE Su, Y Hu, YM He… - Physical review …, 2018 - APS
Entangled-photon sources with simultaneously near-unity heralding efficiency and
indistinguishability are the fundamental elements for scalable photonic quantum …

Photon temporal modes: a complete framework for quantum information science

B Brecht, DV Reddy, C Silberhorn, MG Raymer - Physical Review X, 2015 - APS
Field-orthogonal temporal modes of photonic quantum states provide a new framework for
quantum information science (QIS). They intrinsically span a high-dimensional Hilbert space …

Perspectives for applications of quantum imaging

M Gilaberte Basset, F Setzpfandt… - Laser & Photonics …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Quantum imaging is a multifaceted field of research that promises highly efficient imaging in
extreme spectral ranges as well as ultralow‐light microscopy. Since the first proof‐of …

Spontaneous parametric down‐conversion sources for multiphoton experiments

C Zhang, YF Huang, BH Liu, CF Li… - Advanced Quantum …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Entangled photon sources are desirable and key elements for photonic quantum information
processing. The spontaneous parametric down‐conversion (SPDC) process is a convenient …

Integrated photon-pair sources with nonlinear optics

Y Wang, KD Jöns, Z Sun - Applied Physics Reviews, 2021 - pubs.aip.org
Assisted by the rapid development of photonic integrated circuits, scalable and versatile chip-
based quantum light sources with nonlinear optics are increasingly tangible for real-world …

Broadband quadrature-squeezed vacuum and nonclassical photon number correlations from a nanophotonic device

VD Vaidya, B Morrison, LG Helt, R Shahrokshahi… - Science …, 2020 - science.org
We report demonstrations of both quadrature-squeezed vacuum and photon number
difference squeezing generated in an integrated nanophotonic device. Squeezed light is …

Detailed study of Gaussian boson sampling

R Kruse, CS Hamilton, L Sansoni, S Barkhofen… - Physical Review A, 2019 - APS
Since the development of boson sampling, there has been a quest to construct more efficient
and experimentally feasible protocols to test the computational complexity of sampling from …