Statistical physics of inference: Thresholds and algorithms
Many questions of fundamental interest in today's science can be formulated as inference
problems: some partial, or noisy, observations are performed over a set of variables and the …
problems: some partial, or noisy, observations are performed over a set of variables and the …
Quantized neural networks: Training neural networks with low precision weights and activations
The principal submatrix localization problem deals with recovering a K× K principal
submatrix of elevated mean µ in a large n× n symmetric matrix subject to additive standard …
submatrix of elevated mean µ in a large n× n symmetric matrix subject to additive standard …
A unifying tutorial on approximate message passing
Over the last decade or so, Approximate Message Passing (AMP) algorithms have become
extremely popular in various structured high-dimensional statistical problems. Although the …
extremely popular in various structured high-dimensional statistical problems. Although the …
Tensor SVD: Statistical and computational limits
In this paper, we propose a general framework for tensor singular value decomposition
(tensor singular value decomposition (SVD)), which focuses on the methodology and theory …
(tensor singular value decomposition (SVD)), which focuses on the methodology and theory …
Minimax Rates in Network Analysis
C Gao, Z Ma - Statistical Science, 2021 - JSTOR
This paper surveys some recent developments in fundamental limits and optimal algorithms
for network analysis. We focus on minimax optimal rates in three fundamental problems of …
for network analysis. We focus on minimax optimal rates in three fundamental problems of …
Statistical algorithms and a lower bound for detecting planted cliques
We introduce a framework for proving lower bounds on computational problems over
distributions against algorithms that can be implemented using access to a statistical query …
distributions against algorithms that can be implemented using access to a statistical query …
Reducibility and statistical-computational gaps from secret leakage
M Brennan, G Bresler - Conference on Learning Theory, 2020 - proceedings.mlr.press
Inference problems with conjectured statistical-computational gaps are ubiquitous
throughout modern statistics, computer science, statistical physics and discrete probability …
throughout modern statistics, computer science, statistical physics and discrete probability …
Estimation of Wasserstein distances in the spiked transport model
Estimation of Wasserstein distances in the Spiked Transport Model Page 1 Bernoulli 28(4),
2022, 2663–2688 https://doi.org/10.3150/21-BEJ1433 Estimation of Wasserstein distances …
2022, 2663–2688 https://doi.org/10.3150/21-BEJ1433 Estimation of Wasserstein distances …
Incoherence-optimal matrix completion
Y Chen - IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper considers the matrix completion problem. We show that it is not necessary to
assume joint incoherence, which is a standard but unintuitive and restrictive condition that is …
assume joint incoherence, which is a standard but unintuitive and restrictive condition that is …
The Franz-Parisi criterion and computational trade-offs in high dimensional statistics
Many high-dimensional statistical inference problems are believed to possess inherent
computational hardness. Various frameworks have been proposed to give rigorous …
computational hardness. Various frameworks have been proposed to give rigorous …