Recent advances in chemical and biological degradation of spilled oil: A review of dispersants application in the marine environment
Growing concerns over the risk of accidental releases of oil into the marine environment
have emphasized our need to improve both oil spill preparedness and response strategies …
have emphasized our need to improve both oil spill preparedness and response strategies …
Comparison of O3, UV/O3, and UV/O3/PS processes for marine oily wastewater treatment: Degradation performance, toxicity evaluation, and flocs analysis
Efficient on-site treatment technology is crucial for mitigating marine oily wastewater
pollution. This work investigates the ozone (O 3), ultraviolet (UV)/O 3, UV/O 3/persulfate (PS) …
pollution. This work investigates the ozone (O 3), ultraviolet (UV)/O 3, UV/O 3/persulfate (PS) …
Shrimp-waste based dispersant as oil spill treating agent: Biodegradation of dispersant and dispersed oil
The emerging demand for the enhancement of biodegradation of persistent organic
pollutants from marine oil spills using oil-treating agents to minimize the environmental …
pollutants from marine oil spills using oil-treating agents to minimize the environmental …
Treatment of a synthetic decanted oily seawater in a pilot-scale hollow fiber membrane filtration process: Experimental investigation
This study investigates the performance of a pilot-scale submerged hollow fiber (HF)
ultrafiltration (UF) polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) membrane filtration system for the …
ultrafiltration (UF) polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) membrane filtration system for the …
Combined effects of chemical dispersant and suspended minerals on the dispersion process of spilled oil
W Li, W Wang, Y Qi, Z Qi, D **ong - Journal of Environmental Management, 2023 - Elsevier
The dispersion process of spilled oil is an important concern for the effective disposal of oil
spills. The dispersed oil concentration and oil droplets size distribution were studied through …
spills. The dispersed oil concentration and oil droplets size distribution were studied through …
Mesoscale evaluation of oil submerging and floating processes during marine oil spill response: Effects of dispersant on submerging stability and the associated …
The migration of oil spills in marine environment is still not clear, especially the key
processes of submerging and floating, which is an important concern for effective disposal of …
processes of submerging and floating, which is an important concern for effective disposal of …
Membrane technology for treating decanted oily wastewater from marine oil spill operations: Comparison between membrane filtration and membrane bioreactor
Canadian oil spill response regulations require collection of all liquids from a response
operation, this involves many vessels and frequent trips to shore to dispose of collected …
operation, this involves many vessels and frequent trips to shore to dispose of collected …
Experimental study on burning behavior of small-scale n-heptane pool fire with brash ice
Y Yu, J Chen, Z Wang, D Kong - Fuel, 2023 - Elsevier
In-situ burning is an effective method for oil spill cleanup in ice-covered areas. Although
brash ice is commonly contained in the oil spill, nearly no work has been conducted to …
brash ice is commonly contained in the oil spill, nearly no work has been conducted to …
Mechanism of nearshore sediment-facilitated oil transport: New insights from causal inference analysis
A quantitative understanding of spilled oil transport in a nearshore environment is
challenging due to the complex physicochemical processes in aqueous conditions. The …
challenging due to the complex physicochemical processes in aqueous conditions. The …
Numerical simulation of multiphase oil behaviors in ice-covered nearshore water
There has been an increase in marine transportation in cold regions, which in turn has led to
an increasing risk of oil spills in these areas. To better support risk assessment and pollution …
an increasing risk of oil spills in these areas. To better support risk assessment and pollution …