Corruption and earnings management in developed and emerging countries
Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine whether firms from countries presenting
higher levels of corruption are more likely to have higher levels of earnings management …
higher levels of corruption are more likely to have higher levels of earnings management …
The impact of the adoption of international accounting and auditing standards on corruption perception
Purpose This study aims to investigate the impact of the adoption of international accounting
and auditing standards on corruption perception. In addition, this study examines the …
and auditing standards on corruption perception. In addition, this study examines the …
Effect of managerial compensation and ability on the relationship between business strategy and firm value: for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
W Park, C Byun - Sustainability, 2022 - mdpi.com
This study examines the effect of managerial ability and compensation on the relationship
between business strategy and firm value for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) …
between business strategy and firm value for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) …
The causes and effects of IFRS adoption speed: diffusion of innovation theory perspective
IK Elmghaamez - International Journal of Managerial and …, 2023 - inderscienceonline.com
This study investigates the drivers and economic benefits of adopting international financial
reporting standards (IFRS) by applying the classification proposed by the diffusion of …
reporting standards (IFRS) by applying the classification proposed by the diffusion of …
Provincial governance quality and earnings management: empirical evidence from Vietnam
The paper investigates the mechanism through which corporate credit ratings affect dividend
payments by decomposing the mean difference of dividends into a part that is explained by …
payments by decomposing the mean difference of dividends into a part that is explained by …
IFRS experience, extent of disclosure, and perceived corruption: a study on African countries
FBS Klibi, Y Amara - International Journal of Accounting …, 2023 - inderscienceonline.com
This study investigates whether the quality of the accounting environment, through the IFRS
experience of the country and the extent of disclosure, impacts the perception of less …
experience of the country and the extent of disclosure, impacts the perception of less …
Bribery and corruption: assessing the fairness of the Malaysian judicial system
This paper assesses the fairness of the Malaysian judicial system in handling cases
pertaining to bribery and corruption. The assessment is based on an archival database of …
pertaining to bribery and corruption. The assessment is based on an archival database of …
[PDF][PDF] The strength of audits, reporting standards and corruption, on tax evasion: A cross-country study
Purpose: The study aims to examine the influence of audits, reporting standards and
corruption on tax evasion on selected countries. Design/Methodology/Approach: Tax …
corruption on tax evasion on selected countries. Design/Methodology/Approach: Tax …
Nível de corrupção dos países e opacidade dos resultados contábeis
LC Santos, RT Takamatsu - Enfoque: Reflexão Contábil, 2018 - repositorio.ufmg.br
O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a relação entre a corrupção a nível nacional e a opacidade
dos resultados contábeis de empresas localizadas em países emergentes. A amostra foi …
dos resultados contábeis de empresas localizadas em países emergentes. A amostra foi …
The Extent to which Corruption affects Financial Accountability or Transparency in Parastatals the World over.
W Newman, NT Nhubu, JT Satande - African Journal of …, 2021 - journals.co.za
The purpose of this study was to establish the relationship or impact of financial
accountability and transparency on corruption around the world. This study which adopted a …
accountability and transparency on corruption around the world. This study which adopted a …