Geographic variation in genetic and demographic performance: new insights from an old biogeographical paradigm
Abstract The 'centre–periphery hypothesis'(CPH) is a long‐standing postulate in ecology
that states that genetic variation and demographic performance of a species decrease from …
that states that genetic variation and demographic performance of a species decrease from …
[PDF][PDF] Effect of residence time on trait evolution in invasive plants: review and meta-analysis.
The success of invasive species is often attributed to rapid post-introduction evolution, due
to novel selection pressures at the introduced range. However, evolutionary shifts in …
to novel selection pressures at the introduced range. However, evolutionary shifts in …
Older populations of the invader Solidago canadensis exhibit stronger positive plant‐soil feedbacks and competitive ability in China
Premise The enemy release hypothesis predicts that release from natural enemies,
including soil‐borne pathogens, liberates invasive plants from a negative regulating force …
including soil‐borne pathogens, liberates invasive plants from a negative regulating force …
[HTML][HTML] Does the law of diminishing returns in leaf scaling apply to vines?–Evidence from 12 species of climbing plants
Shapes, sizes and biomass investment per unit area (LMA) of vine leaves are characterized
by high diversity that results in variation in leaf arrangement, light harvesting efficiency and …
by high diversity that results in variation in leaf arrangement, light harvesting efficiency and …
The role of lianas in temperate tree communities
In this chapter, the authors propose a scale‐dependent framework of ecological drivers of
lianas to organize existing information and suggest opportunities for further research on …
lianas to organize existing information and suggest opportunities for further research on …
Intraspecific competitive ability declines towards the edge of the expanding range of the invasive vine Mikania micrantha
F Huang, S Peng - Oecologia, 2016 - Springer
The evolution of competitive ability plays an important role in plant invasions. While many
studies of the evolution of invasive species have compared populations from native and …
studies of the evolution of invasive species have compared populations from native and …
Evolution of marginal populations of an invasive vine increases the likelihood of future spread
The prediction of invasion patterns may require an understanding of intraspecific
differentiation in invasive species and its interaction with climate change. We compare …
differentiation in invasive species and its interaction with climate change. We compare …
Conspecific and heterospecific plant–soil biota interactions of Lonicera japonica in its native and introduced range: implications for invasion success
We tested the 'enemy release hypothesis' in relation to Lonicera japonica to determine the
effects of soil microbes on plant growth. It was hypothesized that plant performance in the …
effects of soil microbes on plant growth. It was hypothesized that plant performance in the …
A lack of population structure characterizes the invasive Lonicera japonica in West Virginia and across eastern North America
Invasive plant species cause massive ecosystem damage globally, yet represent powerful
case studies in population genetics and rapid adaptation to new habitats. The availability of …
case studies in population genetics and rapid adaptation to new habitats. The availability of …
Mixed evidence for shifts to faster carbon capture strategies towards range edges of two coastal invasive plants in eastern Australia
Understanding shifts in traits across the course of an invasion can significantly increase our
understanding of mechanisms underpinning range expansion. For example, shifts to traits …
understanding of mechanisms underpinning range expansion. For example, shifts to traits …