When does self-supervision help graph convolutional networks?
Self-supervision as an emerging technique has been employed to train convolutional neural
networks (CNNs) for more transferrable, generalizable, and robust representation learning …
networks (CNNs) for more transferrable, generalizable, and robust representation learning …
Fast Estimation of via Stochastic Lanczos Quadrature
The problem of estimating the trace of matrix functions appears in applications ranging from
machine learning and scientific computing, to computational biology. This paper presents an …
machine learning and scientific computing, to computational biology. This paper presents an …
Improved variants of the Hutch++ algorithm for trace estimation
This paper is concerned with two improved variants of the Hutch++ algorithm for estimating
the trace of a square matrix, implicitly given through matrix-vector products. Hutch++ …
the trace of a square matrix, implicitly given through matrix-vector products. Hutch++ …
Krylov-aware stochastic trace estimation
We introduce an algorithm for estimating the trace of a matrix function using implicit products
with a symmetric matrix. Existing methods for implicit trace estimation of a matrix function …
with a symmetric matrix. Existing methods for implicit trace estimation of a matrix function …
Approximating spectral sums of large-scale matrices using stochastic Chebyshev approximations
Computation of the trace of a matrix function plays an important role in many scientific
computing applications, including applications in machine learning, computational physics …
computing applications, including applications in machine learning, computational physics …
Deflation as a method of variance reduction for estimating the trace of a matrix inverse
Many fields require computing the trace of the inverse of a large, sparse matrix. Since dense
matrix methods are not practical, the typical method used for such computations is the …
matrix methods are not practical, the typical method used for such computations is the …
Primme_svds: A high-performance preconditioned svd solver for accurate large-scale computations
The increasing number of applications requiring the solution of large-scale singular value
problems has rekindled an interest in iterative methods for the SVD. Some promising recent …
problems has rekindled an interest in iterative methods for the SVD. Some promising recent …
Distributed estimation of the inverse hessian by determinantal averaging
Distributed estimation of the inverse Hessian by determinantal averaging Page 1
Distributed estimation of the inverse Hessian by determinantal averaging Michał Derezinski …
Distributed estimation of the inverse Hessian by determinantal averaging Michał Derezinski …
Spectrum approximation beyond fast matrix multiplication: Algorithms and hardness
Understanding the singular value spectrum of a matrix $ A\in\mathbb {R}^{n\times n} $ is a
fundamental task in countless applications. In matrix multiplication time, it is possible to …
fundamental task in countless applications. In matrix multiplication time, it is possible to …
Applications of trace estimation techniques
We discuss various applications of trace estimation techniques for evaluating functions of
the form tr (f (A)) where f is certain function. The first problem we consider that can be cast in …
the form tr (f (A)) where f is certain function. The first problem we consider that can be cast in …