[HTML][HTML] The role of teacher–student relationships and student–student relationships for secondary school students' well-being in Switzerland
Student well-being has gained prominence on both the scientific and political agendas, as it
is recognized as a crucial skill in addressing the economic, ecological, and social …
is recognized as a crucial skill in addressing the economic, ecological, and social …
Developmental relationships and school success: How teachers, parents, and friends affect educational outcomes and what actions students say matter most
J Sethi, PC Scales - Contemporary educational psychology, 2020 - Elsevier
The current paper explores how students' relationships with their teachers, parents, and
friends might differentially impact their academic experience and success, by presenting and …
friends might differentially impact their academic experience and success, by presenting and …
Parenting and teacher–student relationship as protective factors for Chinese adolescent adjustment during COVID-19
COVID-19 negatively impacts students' learning as well as physical and mental health. This
study examined the effects of perceived online learning difficulties and cyberbullying on …
study examined the effects of perceived online learning difficulties and cyberbullying on …
[PDF][PDF] Avaliação de programas de intervenção para a aprendizagem socioemocional do professor: Uma revisão integrativa
AM Marques, LH Tanaka, AQB Fóz - Revista Portuguesa de Educação, 2019 - redalyc.org
A profissão docente gera grande demanda emocional, o que pode afetar o bem-estar do
professor e gerar problemas de saúde. As competências socioemocionais envolvem um …
professor e gerar problemas de saúde. As competências socioemocionais envolvem um …
Social perspective taking: A professional development induction to improve teacher–student relationships and student learning.
When teachers struggle to understand students' thoughts, feelings, and motivations, the
teacher–student relationship typically suffers. Better social perspective taking …
teacher–student relationship typically suffers. Better social perspective taking …
Adaptability, personal best (PB) goals setting, and gains in students' academic outcomes: A longitudinal examination from a social cognitive perspective
The present investigation examines how two novel constructs, adaptability (for self-
regulation) and PB goal setting (for goal setting), operate alongside the more “traditional” …
regulation) and PB goal setting (for goal setting), operate alongside the more “traditional” …
The protective role of teacher–student relationships against peer victimization and psychosocial distress
This study examined whether teacher–student relationships protect against peer
victimization and its negative psychosocial effects (ie, depression, anxiety, and stress) …
victimization and its negative psychosocial effects (ie, depression, anxiety, and stress) …
[HTML][HTML] Longitudinal relations among teacher-student closeness, cognitive flexibility, intrinsic reading motivation, and reading achievement
J Huang, CTS Siu, H Cheung - Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 2022 - Elsevier
This study examines the roles of cognitive flexibility and reading motivation in explaining the
longitudinal link between teacher-student closeness and reading achievement. The …
longitudinal link between teacher-student closeness and reading achievement. The …
Teachers' instructional behaviors as important predictors of academic motivation: Changes and links across the school year
Learning environments play an important role for students' learning and outcomes.
Research indicates that many students show poor academic motivation. Teachers' behavior …
Research indicates that many students show poor academic motivation. Teachers' behavior …
Disentangling the effects of perceived personal and group ethnic discrimination among secondary school students: The protective role of teacher–student relationship …
Guided by risk and resilience and attachment perspectives, the present study examined
whether teacher–student relationship quality and school climate can buffer against the …
whether teacher–student relationship quality and school climate can buffer against the …