Fluvial and aquatic applications of Structure from Motion photogrammetry and unmanned aerial vehicle/drone technology
Structure from motion (SfM) has seen rapid uptake recently in the fluvial and aquatic
sciences. This uptake is not least due to the widespread availability of cheap unmanned …
sciences. This uptake is not least due to the widespread availability of cheap unmanned …
Combining geomorphometry, feature extraction techniques and Earth-surface processes research: The way forward
G Sofia - Geomorphology, 2020 - Elsevier
In recent years, the wealth of technological development revolutionised our ability to collect
data in geosciences. Due to the unprecedented level of detail of these datasets …
data in geosciences. Due to the unprecedented level of detail of these datasets …
Uncertainty in quantitative analyses of topographic change: error propagation and the role of thresholding
SW Anderson - Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Topographic surveys inevitably contain error, introducing uncertainty into estimates of
volumetric or mean change based on the differencing of repeated surveys. In the …
volumetric or mean change based on the differencing of repeated surveys. In the …
Do topographic changes tell us about variability in aeolian sediment transport and dune mobility? Analysis of monthly to decadal surface changes in a partially …
Vegetation and biological soil crust (biocrust) cover can have a stabilizing effect on dunes by
fixing sediment in-place and increasing surface roughness, thus limiting dune mobility …
fixing sediment in-place and increasing surface roughness, thus limiting dune mobility …
Geomorphic heterogeneity as a framework for assessing river corridor processes and characteristics
Spatial and temporal heterogeneity, or messiness, is a broadly desirable characteristic of
river corridors and an indicator of many of the geomorphic processes that sustain fluvial …
river corridors and an indicator of many of the geomorphic processes that sustain fluvial …
The effects of topographic surveying technique and data resolution on the detection and interpretation of geomorphic change
Change detection of high resolution topographic data is commonly used in river valleys to
quantify reach-and site-scale sediment budgets by estimating the erosion/deposition …
quantify reach-and site-scale sediment budgets by estimating the erosion/deposition …
[HTML][HTML] Geomorphometry today
IV Florinsky - InterCarto. InterGIS. GI support of sustainable …, 2021 - intercarto.msu.ru
Topography is the most important component of the geographical shell, one of the main
elements of geosystems, and the framework of a landscape. geomorphometry is a science …
elements of geosystems, and the framework of a landscape. geomorphometry is a science …
The response of source-bordering aeolian dunefields to sediment-supply changes 1: effects of wind variability and river-valley morphodynamics
Abstract Source-bordering dunefields (SBDs), which are primarily built and maintained with
river-derived sediment, are found in many large river valleys and are currently impacted by …
river-derived sediment, are found in many large river valleys and are currently impacted by …
The response of source-bordering aeolian dunefields to sediment-supply changes 2: Controlled floods of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA
Abstract In the Colorado River downstream of Glen Canyon Dam in the Grand Canyon, USA,
controlled floods are used to resupply sediment to, and rebuild, river sandbars that have …
controlled floods are used to resupply sediment to, and rebuild, river sandbars that have …
[HTML][HTML] Mat: Gis-based morphometry assessment tools for concave landforms
J Gudowicz, R Paluszkiewicz - Remote Sensing, 2021 - mdpi.com
The rapid development of remote sensing technology for obtaining high-resolution digital
elevation models (DEMs) in recent years has made them more and more widely available …
elevation models (DEMs) in recent years has made them more and more widely available …