Aerosol mixing state: Measurements, modeling, and impacts

N Riemer, AP Ault, M West, RL Craig… - Reviews of …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Atmospheric aerosols are complex mixtures of different chemical species, and individual
particles exist in many different shapes and morphologies. Together, these characteristics …

Chemistry and related properties of freshly emitted sea spray aerosol

PK Quinn, DB Collins, VH Grassian, KA Prather… - Chemical …, 2015 - ACS Publications
Aerosol particles that exist in the marine atmosphere are derived from both continental and
oceanic sources. Since aerosol lifetimes and atmospheric transport times often are similar, 1 …

Aerosol microdroplets exhibit a stable pH gradient

H Wei, EP Vejerano, W Leng, Q Huang… - Proceedings of the …, 2018 -
Suspended aqueous aerosol droplets (< 50 µm) are microreactors for many important
atmospheric reactions. In droplets and other aquatic environments, pH is arguably the key …

Atmospheric aerosol chemistry: Spectroscopic and microscopic advances

AP Ault, JL Axson - Analytical chemistry, 2017 - ACS Publications
Atmospheric aerosols, solid or liquid particles suspended in the atmosphere, range in size
from 1 nm to> 100 μm and come from a wide variety of sources. 1 As such, aerosols have a …

Harmful algal bloom toxins in aerosol generated from inland lake water

NE Olson, ME Cooke, JH Shi, JA Birbeck… - … science & technology, 2020 - ACS Publications
Harmful algal blooms (HABs) caused by cyanobacteria in freshwater environments produce
toxins (eg, microcystin) that are harmful to human and animal health. HAB frequency and …

Harmful algal bloom aerosols and human health

CC Lim, J Yoon, K Reynolds, LB Gerald, AP Ault… - …, 2023 -
Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are increasing across many locations globally. Toxins from
HABs can be incorporated into aerosols and transported inland, where subsequent …

Size-dependent changes in sea spray aerosol composition and properties with different seawater conditions

AP Ault, RC Moffet, J Baltrusaitis… - Environmental …, 2013 - ACS Publications
A great deal of uncertainty exists regarding the chemical diversity of particles in sea spray
aerosol (SSA), as well as the degree of mixing between inorganic and organic species in …

[HTML][HTML] A review of experimental techniques for aerosol hygroscopicity studies

M Tang, CK Chan, YJ Li, H Su, Q Ma… - Atmospheric …, 2019 -
Hygroscopicity is one of the most important physicochemical properties of aerosol particles
and also plays indispensable roles in many other scientific and technical fields. A myriad of …

Simultaneous optical photothermal infrared (O-PTIR) and Raman spectroscopy of submicrometer atmospheric particles

NE Olson, Y **ao, Z Lei, AP Ault - Analytical Chemistry, 2020 - ACS Publications
Physicochemical analysis of individual atmospheric aerosols at the most abundant sizes in
the atmosphere (< 1 μm) is analytically challenging, as hundreds to thousands of species …

Marine aerosols and clouds

SD Brooks, DCO Thornton - Annual review of marine science, 2018 -
The role of marine bioaerosols in cloud formation and climate is currently so uncertain that
even the sign of the climate forcing is unclear. Marine aerosols form through direct …