Method and apparatus for automatic relative placement generation for clock trees

A Arunachalam - US Patent 8,984,467, 2015 - Google Patents
US8984467B2 - Method and apparatus for automatic relative placement generation for clock
trees - Google Patents US8984467B2 - Method and apparatus for automatic relative placement …

Method, system, and computer program product for implementing routing aware placement or floor planning for an electronic design

R Ruehl, H Yu, JA Baudhuin - US Patent 10,515,177, 2019 - Google Patents
Disclosed are techniques for implementing routing aware floorplanning or placement for an
electronic design. These techniques preprocess an electronic design and a plurality of …

Concurrent placement and routing using hierarchical constraints

LE Henrickson, LC Lim - US Patent 8,667,444, 2014 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND Automated integrated circuit design has traditionally addressed placement
and routing as independent and sepa rable processes. For example, a circuit placement …

Placement of single-bit and multi-bit flip-flops

A Arunachalam, S Chatterjee, JC Lin - US Patent 9,361,417, 2016 - Google Patents
5,519,627 A 5/1996 Mahmood et al. 5.535, 134 A 7/1996 Cohn et al. 5,754,826 A 5/1998
Gamal et al. 6,006,024 A 12/1999 Guruswamy et al. 6,018,622 A 1/2000 Lin et …

Generating integrated circuit floorplan layouts

J Dirks, N Mueller, S Block - US Patent 8,219,959, 2012 - Google Patents
Disclosed herein are various embodiments of a method of generating a floorplan layout of
an integrated circuit (IC) that is amenable to implementation in a computer-aided design …

Enabling a high-level modeling system

J Ou, CB Chan, JD Stroomer - US Patent 8,356,266, 2013 - Google Patents
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION A method of enabling a high-level modeling system to
implement a circuit design in an integrated circuit device is disclosed. The method …

Method, system, and computer program product to implement snap** for an electronic design

K Sharma, H Yu, J Hainsworth, K Lin… - US Patent …, 2019 - Google Patents
Disclosed is an approach to implement snap** techniques that aid the interactive,
assisted, or automatic placement of layout instances or groups of layout instances for …

Integrated circuits having in-situ constraints

QD Qian - US Patent 10,216,890, 2019 - Google Patents
In accordance with the present method and system for improving integrated circuit layout, a
local process modification is calculated from simulated process response variables at a set …

System for and method of placing clock stations using variable drive-strength clock drivers built out of a smaller subset of base cells for hybrid tree-mesh clock …

N Jayakumar, V Trivedi, VK Palisetti, BR Mula… - US Patent …, 2016 - Google Patents
Clock stations in a hybrid tree-mesh clock distribution network are placed and routed using
placement information embedded in instance names of the macrocells that form the clock …

User interfaces for displaying relationships between cells in a grid

TD Holt - US Patent 9,043,722, 2015 - Google Patents
User interfaces for displaying relationships between cells in a grid. In one example
embodiment, a user interface includes a grid including rows and columns and a plurality of …