DEM/CFD-DEM modelling of non-spherical particulate systems: theoretical developments and applications
Particles encountered in nature and engineering practice are normally not spherical but of
irregular shapes. Particle shape plays a key role in determining the behaviour of bulk solids …
irregular shapes. Particle shape plays a key role in determining the behaviour of bulk solids …
Review on the structure of random packed‐beds
J von Seckendorff, O Hinrichsen - The Canadian Journal of …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Independent from their intended purpose, the understanding of structural characteristics of
random packings of particles having defined shapes is important to understand and optimize …
random packings of particles having defined shapes is important to understand and optimize …
Particle shape effects on the stress response of granular packings
We present measurements of the stress response of packings formed from a wide range of
particle shapes. Besides spheres these include convex shapes such as the Platonic solids …
particle shapes. Besides spheres these include convex shapes such as the Platonic solids …
Celebrating soft matter's 10th anniversary: Toward jamming by design
HM Jaeger - Soft matter, 2015 - pubs.rsc.org
In materials science, high performance is typically associated with regularity and order,
while disorder and the presence of defects are assumed to lead to sub-optimal outcomes …
while disorder and the presence of defects are assumed to lead to sub-optimal outcomes …
Dense random packings of spherocylinders
In this paper, the random packing of spherocylinders of different aspect ratios is simulated
with an improved geometric based relaxation algorithm. It is shown that the packing density …
with an improved geometric based relaxation algorithm. It is shown that the packing density …
Effect of size polydispersity versus particle shape in dense granular media
We present a detailed analysis of the morphology of granular systems composed of
frictionless pentagonal particles by varying systematically both the size span and particle …
frictionless pentagonal particles by varying systematically both the size span and particle …
Prediction of random packing density and flowability for non-spherical particles by deep convolutional neural networks and Discrete Element Method simulations
Non-spherical particles can be found in many industrial processes. Unfortunately, scalar
shape parameters are often insufficient to predict their complex behavior. Therefore, this …
shape parameters are often insufficient to predict their complex behavior. Therefore, this …
Three-dimensional shape characterization of fine sands and the influence of particle shape on the packing and workability of mortars
This paper studies a selection of fine sands, their particle shape and its effect on the plastic
properties of mortars via the influence on the workability and packing of cementitious …
properties of mortars via the influence on the workability and packing of cementitious …
Shape and size effects on the packing density of binary spherocylinders
The shape and size of particles are the main factors which influence the packing density of
binary mixtures. However, investigations of the single effect of size and shape on the binary …
binary mixtures. However, investigations of the single effect of size and shape on the binary …
Modifying the linear packing model for predicting the packing density of GMZ bentonite pellet mixtures
J Zhu, H Zhang, X Chen, Z Ji - Construction and Building Materials, 2024 - Elsevier
In repositories for high-level radioactive waste, bentonite pellet mixtures serve to fill joints
between compacted blocks of bentonite and the gaps between these blocks and the …
between compacted blocks of bentonite and the gaps between these blocks and the …