Strain effects on halide perovskite solar cells
Halide perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have achieved power conversion efficiencies (PCEs)
approaching 26%, however, the stability issue hinders their commercialization. Due to the …
approaching 26%, however, the stability issue hinders their commercialization. Due to the …
The 2D halide perovskite rulebook: how the spacer influences everything from the structure to optoelectronic device efficiency
Two-dimensional (2D) halide perovskites have emerged as outstanding semiconducting
materials thanks to their superior stability and structural diversity. However, the ever-growing …
materials thanks to their superior stability and structural diversity. However, the ever-growing …
Band gap tuning of perovskite solar cells for enhancing the efficiency and stability: issues and prospects
The intriguing optoelectronic properties, diverse applications, and facile fabrication
techniques of perovskite materials have garnered substantial research interest worldwide …
techniques of perovskite materials have garnered substantial research interest worldwide …
Strain engineering and epitaxial stabilization of halide perovskites
Strain engineering is a powerful tool with which to enhance semiconductor device
performance,. Halide perovskites have shown great promise in device applications owing to …
performance,. Halide perovskites have shown great promise in device applications owing to …
Strain in perovskite solar cells: origins, impacts and regulation
Metal halide perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have seen an extremely rapid rise in power
conversion efficiencies in the past few years. However, the commercialization of this class of …
conversion efficiencies in the past few years. However, the commercialization of this class of …
Strain engineering in perovskite solar cells and its impacts on carrier dynamics
The mixed halide perovskites have emerged as outstanding light absorbers for efficient solar
cells. Unfortunately, it reveals inhomogeneity in these polycrystalline films due to …
cells. Unfortunately, it reveals inhomogeneity in these polycrystalline films due to …
[HTML][HTML] Synchrotron-based infrared microspectroscopy under high pressure: An introduction
L Kong, G Liu - Matter and Radiation at Extremes, 2021 - pubs.aip.org
Synchrotron sources with high photon flux, small source size, and broad energy range have
revolutionized ultrafine characterization of condensed matter. With the addition of the …
revolutionized ultrafine characterization of condensed matter. With the addition of the …
Lattice strain regulation enables high‐performance formamidinium perovskite photovoltaics
Formamidinium lead iodide (FAPbI3) perovskite possesses an ideal optical bandgap and is
a potential material for fabricating the most efficient single‐junction perovskite solar cells …
a potential material for fabricating the most efficient single‐junction perovskite solar cells …
Structural stability of formamidinium-and cesium-based halide perovskites
The certified power conversion efficiency of state-of-the-art organic–inorganic hybrid
perovskite solar cells has surpassed 25%, showing promising potential for …
perovskite solar cells has surpassed 25%, showing promising potential for …
Importance of tailoring lattice strain in halide perovskite crystals
In this review paper, the residual strain of a polycrystalline halide perovskite film is
systematically studied based on its structural inhomogeneity, which is closely correlated to …
systematically studied based on its structural inhomogeneity, which is closely correlated to …