Unmanned aircraft systems for precision weed detection and management: Prospects and challenges
Modern precision weed management relies on site-specific management tactics to maximize
resource use efficiency and yield, while reducing unintended environmental impacts caused …
resource use efficiency and yield, while reducing unintended environmental impacts caused …
Remote sensing applications in water resources
R TV - Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, 2013 - repository.ias.ac.in
| With the introduction of the earth observing satellites, remote sensing has become an
important tool in analyzing the Earth's surface characteristics, and hence in supplying …
important tool in analyzing the Earth's surface characteristics, and hence in supplying …
[KNYGA][B] Remote Sensing Handbook-Three Volume Set
P Thenkabail - 2018 - books.google.com
With more than 100 leading global contributors, this book is the most comprehensive
documentation of the scientific and methodological advances that have taken place in …
documentation of the scientific and methodological advances that have taken place in …
Exploring the utility of the Enhanced Vegetation Index as rainfall and agricultural proxy in a Caribbean case study event
SF Buckland - Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Highly fragile small island states experience disproportionate climate impacts given their
limited capacity to implement cost‐effective tools for detecting emerging signals of drying …
limited capacity to implement cost‐effective tools for detecting emerging signals of drying …
Agricultural drought analysis for Thuraiyur taluk of Tiruchirappali District using NDVI and land surface temperature data
M Jasmineniketha, P Geetha… - 2017 11th International …, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Drastic changes in temperature and rainwater leads to the significant impact on drought
which affects agricultural growth. Agricultural drought is a term which explains about …
which affects agricultural growth. Agricultural drought is a term which explains about …
Regional drought monitoring based on multi-sensor remote sensing
This chapter investigates the regional drought monitoring methodology that utilizes multi-
sensor remote sensing data. Recent trends in studies based on remote sensing–based …
sensor remote sensing data. Recent trends in studies based on remote sensing–based …
Continuous fields from imaging spectrometer data for ecosystem parameter map** and their potential for animal habitat assessment in alpine regions
Remote sensing offers an objective and efficient way to monitor ecosystem properties
including their spatial variability across different land cover types. Especially, the …
including their spatial variability across different land cover types. Especially, the …
[PDF][PDF] Analysis of TCI index using Landsat8 TIRS sensor data of Vaijapur region
Vaijapur tehsil has faced drought disaster for decades, because it comes in scanty rainfall
region of Maharashtra state. The agricultural sector has faced high impact of drought, so …
region of Maharashtra state. The agricultural sector has faced high impact of drought, so …
[PDF][PDF] Assessment of drought risk by using vegetation indices from remotely sensed data: A perspective from hot and arid district of Pakistan
The Shaheed Benazir Abad District is situated at the center of Sindh Province, which is one
of the hottest and driest part of Pakistan. In the past few decades, the extreme and moderate …
of the hottest and driest part of Pakistan. In the past few decades, the extreme and moderate …
[PDF][PDF] Agricultural drought assessment of post monsoon season of Vaijapur Taluka using Landsat8
Drought is least understood natural phenomena and it has a direct impact on livelihood. The
government bodies spend time and money for drought survey, but this process is a time …
government bodies spend time and money for drought survey, but this process is a time …