Radioactive decays at limits of nuclear stability
M Pfützner, M Karny, LV Grigorenko, K Riisager - Reviews of modern physics, 2012 - APS
The last decades brought impressive progress in synthesizing and studying properties of
nuclides located very far from the beta stability line. Among the most fundamental properties …
nuclides located very far from the beta stability line. Among the most fundamental properties …
Recent progress in two-proton radioactivity
L Zhou, SM Wang, DQ Fang, YG Ma - Nuclear Science and Techniques, 2022 - Springer
During the last few decades, rare isotope beam facilities have provided unique data for
studying the properties of nuclides located far from the beta-stability line. Such nuclei are …
studying the properties of nuclides located far from the beta-stability line. Such nuclei are …
Recent development of complex scaling method for many-body resonances and continua in light nuclei
T Myo, Y Kikuchi, H Masui, K Katō - Progress in Particle and Nuclear …, 2014 - Elsevier
The complex scaling method (CSM) is a useful similarity transformation of the Schrödinger
equation, in which bound-state spectra are not changed but continuum spectra are …
equation, in which bound-state spectra are not changed but continuum spectra are …
NSCL and FRIB at Michigan State University: Nuclear science at the limits of stability
A Gade, BM Sherrill - Physica Scripta, 2016 -
Abstract The National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL) at Michigan State
University (MSU) is a scientific user facility that offers beams of rare isotopes at a wide range …
University (MSU) is a scientific user facility that offers beams of rare isotopes at a wide range …
First Observation of the Four-Proton Unbound Nucleus
Y **, CY Niu, KW Brown, ZH Li, H Hua, AK Anthony… - Physical Review Letters, 2021 - APS
Mg 18 was observed, for the first time, by the invariant-mass reconstruction of O 14+ 4 p
events. The ground-state decay energy and width are ET= 4.865 (34) MeV and Γ= 115 (100) …
events. The ground-state decay energy and width are ET= 4.865 (34) MeV and Γ= 115 (100) …
Strong Evidence for and the Limits of Existence of Atomic Nuclei
The boundaries of the chart of nuclides contain exotic isotopes that possess extreme proton-
to-neutron asymmetries. Here we report on strong evidence of N 9, one of the most exotic …
to-neutron asymmetries. Here we report on strong evidence of N 9, one of the most exotic …
[ספר][B] Handbook of nuclear physics
I Tanihata, H Toki, T Ka**o - 2023 -
This handbook is a comprehensive, systematic source of modern nuclear physics. It aims to
summarize experimental and theoretical discoveries and an understanding of unstable …
summarize experimental and theoretical discoveries and an understanding of unstable …
Extended R-matrix description of two-proton radioactivity
Two-proton ($2 p $) radioactivity provides fundamental knowledge on the three-body decay
mechanism and the residual nuclear interaction. In this work, we propose decay width …
mechanism and the residual nuclear interaction. In this work, we propose decay width …
Structure and 2p decay mechanism of 18Mg
L Zhou, DQ Fang, SM Wang, H Hua - Nuclear Science and Techniques, 2024 - Springer
The recently discovered, extremely proton-rich nuclide 18 Mg exhibits ground-state decay
via two sequential two-proton (2p) emissions through the intermediate nucleus, 16 Ne. This …
via two sequential two-proton (2p) emissions through the intermediate nucleus, 16 Ne. This …
Democratic Decay of Exposed by Correlations
IA Egorova, RJ Charity, LV Grigorenko, Z Chajecki… - Physical Review Letters, 2012 - APS
The interaction of an E/A= 70-MeV Be 7 beam with a Be target was used to populate levels
in Be 6 following neutron knockout reactions. The three-body decay of the ground and first …
in Be 6 following neutron knockout reactions. The three-body decay of the ground and first …