Nerf-editing: geometry editing of neural radiance fields
Implicit neural rendering, especially Neural Radiance Field (NeRF), has shown great
potential in novel view synthesis of a scene. However, current NeRF-based methods cannot …
potential in novel view synthesis of a scene. However, current NeRF-based methods cannot …
SCANimate: Weakly supervised learning of skinned clothed avatar networks
We present SCANimate, an end-to-end trainable framework that takes raw 3D scans of a
clothed human and turns them into an animatable avatar. These avatars are driven by pose …
clothed human and turns them into an animatable avatar. These avatars are driven by pose …
Snarf: Differentiable forward skinning for animating non-rigid neural implicit shapes
Neural implicit surface representations have emerged as a promising paradigm to capture
3D shapes in a continuous and resolution-independent manner. However, adapting them to …
3D shapes in a continuous and resolution-independent manner. However, adapting them to …
Star: Sparse trained articulated human body regressor
The SMPL body model is widely used for the estimation, synthesis, and analysis of 3D
human pose and shape. While popular, we show that SMPL has several limitations and …
human pose and shape. While popular, we show that SMPL has several limitations and …
Neural-gif: Neural generalized implicit functions for animating people in clothing
Abstract We present Neural Generalized Implicit Functions (Neural-GIF), to animate people
in clothing as a function of the body pose. Given a sequence of scans of a subject in various …
in clothing as a function of the body pose. Given a sequence of scans of a subject in various …
The power of points for modeling humans in clothing
Currently it requires an artist to create 3D human avatars with realistic clothing that can
move naturally. Despite progress on 3D scanning and modeling of human bodies, there is …
move naturally. Despite progress on 3D scanning and modeling of human bodies, there is …
Bcnet: Learning body and cloth shape from a single image
In this paper, we consider the problem to automatically reconstruct garment and body
shapes from a single near-front view RGB image. To this end, we propose a layered …
shapes from a single near-front view RGB image. To this end, we propose a layered …
Self-supervised collision handling via generative 3d garment models for virtual try-on
We propose a new generative model for 3D garment deformations that enables us to learn,
for first time, a data-driven method for virtual try-on that effectively addresses garment-body …
for first time, a data-driven method for virtual try-on that effectively addresses garment-body …
Rignet: Neural rigging for articulated characters
We present RigNet, an end-to-end automated method for producing animation rigs from
input character models. Given an input 3D model representing an articulated character …
input character models. Given an input 3D model representing an articulated character …
Closet: Modeling clothed humans on continuous surface with explicit template decomposition
Creating animatable avatars from static scans requires the modeling of clothing
deformations in different poses. Existing learning-based methods typically add pose …
deformations in different poses. Existing learning-based methods typically add pose …