On F-contractions: A survey
D. Wardowski proved in 2012 a generalization of Banach Contraction Principle by
introducing F-contractions in metric spaces. In the next ten years, a great number of …
introducing F-contractions in metric spaces. In the next ten years, a great number of …
Coincidence and fixed points of multivalued F-contractions in generalized metric space with application
The aim of the paper was to prove some new fixed point theorems, coincidence point
theorems and common fixed point theorems for multivalued F-contractions involving a binary …
theorems and common fixed point theorems for multivalued F-contractions involving a binary …
[PDF][PDF] Fixed point to fixed ellipse in metric spaces and discontinuous activation function
M Joshi, A Tomar, SK Padaliya - Appl. Math. E-Notes, 2021 - kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp
We introduce a notion of a fixed ellipse to study the geometric properties of the set of
nonunique fixed points of a discontinuous self map and establish fixed ellipse theorems …
nonunique fixed points of a discontinuous self map and establish fixed ellipse theorems …
[HTML][HTML] An Application to Nonlinear Fractional Differential Equation via α-ΓF-Fuzzy Contractive Map**s in a Fuzzy Metric Space
UD Patel, S Radenović - Mathematics, 2022 - mdpi.com
In this paper, we first introduce a new family of functions like an implicit function called Γ-
functions. Furthermore, we introduce a new concept of α-Γ F-fuzzy contractive map**s …
functions. Furthermore, we introduce a new concept of α-Γ F-fuzzy contractive map**s …
Applications of some fixed point theorems for fractional differential equations with Mittag-Leffler kernel
Using some fixed point theorems for contractive map**s, including α-γ-Geraghty type
contraction, α-type F-contraction, and some other contractions in F F-metric space, this …
contraction, α-type F-contraction, and some other contractions in F F-metric space, this …
Fixed Point of Generalized Weak Contraction in b‐Metric Spaces
In this manuscript, a class of generalized (ψ, α, β)‐weak contraction is introduced and some
fixed point theorems in the framework of b‐metric space are proved. The result presented in …
fixed point theorems in the framework of b‐metric space are proved. The result presented in …
[PDF][PDF] Investigation of time fractional nonlinear KdV-Burgers equation under fractional operators with nonsingular kernels
In this manuscript, the Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers (KdV-Burgers) partial differential equation
(PDE) is investigated under nonlocal operators with the Mittag-Leffler kernel and the …
(PDE) is investigated under nonlocal operators with the Mittag-Leffler kernel and the …
Fixed point and periodic point results for α-type F-contractions in modular metric spaces
Motivated by Gopal et al.(Acta Math. Sci. 36B (3): 1-14, 2016). We introduce the notion of α-
type F-contraction in the setting of modular metric spaces which is independent from one …
type F-contraction in the setting of modular metric spaces which is independent from one …
Application of some new contractions for existence and uniqueness of differential equations involving Caputo–Fabrizio derivative
In this paper we study fractional initial value problems with Caputo–Fabrizio derivative which
involves nonsingular kernel. First we apply α-ℓ-contraction and α-type F-contraction …
involves nonsingular kernel. First we apply α-ℓ-contraction and α-type F-contraction …
A dynamical and sensitivity analysis of the Caputo fractional-order Ebola virus model: Implications for control measures
The recurrence of outbreaks in cases of Ebola virus among African countries remains one of
the greatest issues of concern. Practices such as hunting or consumption of contaminated …
the greatest issues of concern. Practices such as hunting or consumption of contaminated …