Enabling investment for the transition to a low carbon economy: Government policy to finance early stage green innovation
Highlights•Businesses require different forms of finance as they grow, including grants, debt
and equity.•Public finance stimulates the green finance escalator for early stage low carbon …
and equity.•Public finance stimulates the green finance escalator for early stage low carbon …
Determinants and consequences of financial distress: review of the empirical literature
We synthesise the empirical literature on the determinants and consequences of financial
distress, critique the findings and offer suggestions for future research. We categorise these …
distress, critique the findings and offer suggestions for future research. We categorise these …
Institutions and entrepreneurship quality
Entrepreneurship contributes importantly to the economy. However, differences in the quality
and quantity of entrepreneurship vary significantly across develo** and developed …
and quantity of entrepreneurship vary significantly across develo** and developed …
[HTML][HTML] Institutional investors and post-ICO performance: an empirical analysis of investor returns in initial coin offerings (ICOs)
We examine the role of institutional investors in initial coin offerings (ICOs). Taking a
financial investor's perspective, we assess the determinants of post-ICO performance via …
financial investor's perspective, we assess the determinants of post-ICO performance via …
Third-party signals in equity crowdfunding: the role of prior financing
S Kleinert, C Volkmann, M Grünhagen - Small Business Economics, 2020 - Springer
Drawing on signaling theory, this study provides preliminary evidence that prior financing
certifies firm quality to investors and reduces information asymmetries in equity …
certifies firm quality to investors and reduces information asymmetries in equity …
Does governmental venture capital spur invention and innovation? Evidence from young European biotech companies
This paper explores whether and how governmental venture capital investors (GVCs) spur
invention and innovation in young biotech companies in Europe. To gauge invention we …
invention and innovation in young biotech companies in Europe. To gauge invention we …
Governmental venture capital for innovative young firms
Governments around the world have set up governmental venture capital (GVC) funds, and
are increasingly doing so, with the aims of fostering the development of a private venture …
are increasingly doing so, with the aims of fostering the development of a private venture …
Government, venture capital and the growth of European high-tech entrepreneurial firms
Abstract Using a new European Union-sponsored firm-level longitudinal dataset, we assess
the impact of government-managed (GVC) and independent venture capital (IVC) funds on …
the impact of government-managed (GVC) and independent venture capital (IVC) funds on …
Managing internationalization and innovation tradeoffs in entrepreneurial firms: Evidence from transition economies
For entrepreneurial firms (EFs), internationalization and innovation present two major
avenues for growth. Prior research, based primarily on EFs from advanced economies …
avenues for growth. Prior research, based primarily on EFs from advanced economies …
Short-term and long-term dynamics of venture capital and economic growth in a digital economy: A study of European countries
There has been a significant transformation in the diffusion of information and
communication technology (ICT), development of the venture capital industry, and economic …
communication technology (ICT), development of the venture capital industry, and economic …