[HTML][HTML] Effective master's thesis supervision–A summative framework for research and practice

T Grohnert, L Gromotka, I Gast, L Delnoij… - Educational Research …, 2024 - Elsevier
Each year, more students worldwide enter graduate school to complete their master's
degree. A cornerstone of their education is the master's thesis. Respectively, master's thesis …

Supporting student and teacher feedback literacy: an instructional model for student feedback processes

RAM de Kleijn - Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Within the new feedback paradigm, the concept of student and teacher feedback literacy is
gaining more and more attention, with most studies focussing on what it entails and how it …

[HTML][HTML] Supervising graduation projects in higher professional education–A literature review

I van der Marel, L Munneke, E de Bruijn - Educational Research Review, 2022 - Elsevier
Highlights•Most studies on supervision in higher professional education are about
pedagogical knowledge and research competence, or a combination of those.•It remains …

Reflections and review on the audit procedure: Guidelines for more transparency

R De Kleijn, A Van Leeuwen - International Journal of …, 2018 - journals.sagepub.com
Arguably, quality assurance is more complicated in qualitative studies than in quantitative
studies. Several procedures for quality assurance are available, among which the audit …

The influences of international master's students' feedback seeking behaviour on their feedback literacy and feedback contexts: An ecological perspective

F Li, Y Han - Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 2024 - Elsevier
Previous research has found that L2 student writers use inquiry and monitoring to elicit
feedback, but few studies have investigated the impact of feedback seeking behaviours …

Team modes and power: Supervision of doctoral students

MJ Robertson - Higher Education Research & Development, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
Currently, team supervision in doctoral studies is widely practised across Australian
universities. The interpretation of 'team'is broad and there is evidence of experimentation …

Novice supervisors' practices and dilemmatic space in supervision of student research projects

MWC Vereijken, RM van der Rijst… - Teaching in Higher …, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
Growing interest in student research projects in higher education has led to an emphasis on
research supervision. We focus in this study on novice supervisors' approaches to research …

The journey of thesis supervisors from novice to expert: a grounded theory study

L Bazrafkan, A Yousefy, M Amini, N Yamani - BMC medical education, 2019 - Springer
Background Supervision is a well-defined interpersonal relationship between the thesis
supervisors and their students. The purpose of this study was to identify the patterns which …

[KNIHA][B] Experiencing master's supervision: Perspectives of international students and their supervisors

N Harwood, B Petrić - 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
Master's degree programmes are on the rise, attracting growing numbers of international
students who speak English as a second or additional language. Experiencing Master's …

Adaptive master's dissertation supervision: A longitudinal case study

N Harwood, B Petrić - Teaching in Higher Education, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Drawing on supervisor and supervisee interviews, analysis of supervisor feedback on the
supervisee's draft chapters, and departmental supervisory guidelines, this study focuses on …