Dynamic roles of small RNAs and DNA methylation associated with heterosis in allotetraploid cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
Background Heterosis is a complex phenomenon wherein the hybrids outperform their
parents. Understanding the underlying molecular mechanism by which hybridization leads …
parents. Understanding the underlying molecular mechanism by which hybridization leads …
Multiple trait comparison and global intestine transcriptional provide new insights into bases of heterosis in hybrid tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus× Oreochromis aureus)
Z Liu, B Chen, Z Zou, D Li, J Zhu, J Yu, W ** of Indian white maize inbred lines using combining ability and SNP markers
Maize (Zea mays L.) is a versatile crop with high genetic yield potential and various uses.
While yellow maize is primarily used for animal feed, white maize is preferred as a food by …
While yellow maize is primarily used for animal feed, white maize is preferred as a food by …
Classification of maize inbred lines into heterotic groups based on yield and yield attributing traits
This study investigated the combining ability, heterosis and heterotic grou** of maize (Zea
mays L.) inbred lines to enhance hybrid performance and productivity. Twenty-four hybrids …
mays L.) inbred lines to enhance hybrid performance and productivity. Twenty-four hybrids …
[HTML][HTML] Epigenetic mechanisms of heterosis in tea plants: insights into m6A RNA methylation and miRNA-mediated regulation
X Liao, M Tang, W Lei, H Lin, S **, P Wang… - Horticultural Plant …, 2025 - Elsevier
Heterosis is fundamental to modern tea breeding practices and is widely used in tea
production. However, the epigenetic regulatory mechanisms underlying heterosis in tea …
production. However, the epigenetic regulatory mechanisms underlying heterosis in tea …
[HTML][HTML] Тандемные дупликации генов, эуполиплоидия и вторичная диплоидизация-генетические механизмы видообразования и прогрессивной эволюции в …
АВ Родионов - Turczaninowia, 2022 - cyberleninka.ru
В статье рассмотрены генетические механизмы видообразования у растений.
Показано значение межвидовой гибридизации и полиплоидии (полногеномной …
Показано значение межвидовой гибридизации и полиплоидии (полногеномной …
Multigenerational hybridisation results in heterosis and facilitates adaptive introgression, with no evidence of outbreeding depression in a pair of marine gastropods
Anthropogenic environmental changes continue to threaten species globally. For example,
translocation of species has caused unintentional hybridisation, which has contributed to …
translocation of species has caused unintentional hybridisation, which has contributed to …
[HTML][HTML] Reproductive compatibility of a newly imported Australian population of the biocontrol agent Anaphes nitens with an existing South African population
H Barten, ML Schröder, B Slippers, AG Howe… - Biological Control, 2023 - Elsevier
Introductions of natural enemies in classical biocontrol programs potentially cause genetic
bottlenecks which can be detrimental for biocontrol. This can be mitigated by introducing …
bottlenecks which can be detrimental for biocontrol. This can be mitigated by introducing …
Development of high-yielding white maize hybrids with better chapatti-making quality compared to traditionally used local landraces
Introduction The present research focuses on the chapatti making quality of high-yielding
white maize hybrids compared to available low-yielding local yellow and white landraces in …
white maize hybrids compared to available low-yielding local yellow and white landraces in …