[HTML][HTML] Generative AI for visualization: State of the art and future directions
Generative AI (GenAI) has witnessed remarkable progress in recent years and
demonstrated impressive performance in various generation tasks in different domains such …
demonstrated impressive performance in various generation tasks in different domains such …
Towards natural language interfaces for data visualization: A survey
Utilizing Visualization-oriented Natural Language Interfaces (V-NLI) as a complementary
input modality to direct manipulation for visual analytics can provide an engaging user …
input modality to direct manipulation for visual analytics can provide an engaging user …
Graphologue: Exploring large language model responses with interactive diagrams
Large language models (LLMs) have recently soared in popularity due to their ease of
access and the unprecedented ability to synthesize text responses to diverse user …
access and the unprecedented ability to synthesize text responses to diverse user …
Natural language to visualization by neural machine translation
Supporting the translation from natural language (NL) query to visualization (NL2VIS) can
simplify the creation of data visualizations because if successful, anyone can generate …
simplify the creation of data visualizations because if successful, anyone can generate …
Where are we so far? understanding data storytelling tools from the perspective of human-ai collaboration
Data storytelling is powerful for communicating data insights, but it requires diverse skills
and considerable effort from human creators. Recent research has widely explored the …
and considerable effort from human creators. Recent research has widely explored the …
Calliope: Automatic visual data story generation from a spreadsheet
Visual data stories shown in the form of narrative visualizations such as a poster or a data
video, are frequently used in data-oriented storytelling to facilitate the understanding and …
video, are frequently used in data-oriented storytelling to facilitate the understanding and …
Ai4vis: Survey on artificial intelligence approaches for data visualization
Visualizations themselves have become a data format. Akin to other data formats such as
text and images, visualizations are increasingly created, stored, shared, and (re-) used with …
text and images, visualizations are increasingly created, stored, shared, and (re-) used with …
How does automation shape the process of narrative visualization: A survey of tools
In recent years, narrative visualization has gained much attention. Researchers have
proposed different design spaces for various narrative visualization genres and scenarios to …
proposed different design spaces for various narrative visualization genres and scenarios to …
Synthesizing natural language to visualization (NL2VIS) benchmarks from NL2SQL benchmarks
Natural language (NL) is a promising interaction paradigm for data visualization (VIS).
However, there are not any NL to VIS (NL2VIS) benchmarks available. Our goal is to provide …
However, there are not any NL to VIS (NL2VIS) benchmarks available. Our goal is to provide …
Inksight: Leveraging sketch interaction for documenting chart findings in computational notebooks
Computational notebooks have become increasingly popular for exploratory data analysis
due to their ability to support data exploration and explanation within a single document …
due to their ability to support data exploration and explanation within a single document …