Reappraising the palaeobiology of Australopithecus
Z Alemseged - Nature, 2023 -
The naming of Australopithecus africanus in 1925, based on the Taung Child, heralded a
new era in human evolutionary studies and turned the attention of the then Eurasian-centric …
new era in human evolutionary studies and turned the attention of the then Eurasian-centric …
Systematics of Miocene apes: State of the art of a neverending controversy
Hominoids diverged from cercopithecoids during the Oligocene in Afro-Arabia, initially
radiating in that continent and subsequently dispersing into Eurasia. From the Late Miocene …
radiating in that continent and subsequently dispersing into Eurasia. From the Late Miocene …
Postcranial evidence of late Miocene hominin bipedalism in Chad
Bipedal locomotion is one of the key adaptations that define the hominin clade. Evidence of
bipedalism is known from postcranial remains of late Miocene hominins as early as 6 million …
bipedalism is known from postcranial remains of late Miocene hominins as early as 6 million …
Diversity-dependent speciation and extinction in hominins
The search for drivers of hominin speciation and extinction has tended to focus on the
impact of climate change. Far less attention has been paid to the role of interspecific …
impact of climate change. Far less attention has been paid to the role of interspecific …
Nature and relationships of Sahelanthropus tchadensis
R Macchiarelli, A Bergeret-Medina, D Marchi… - Journal of Human …, 2020 - Elsevier
A partial left femur (TM 266-01-063) was recovered in July 2001 at Toros-Menalla, Chad, at
the same fossiliferous location as the late Miocene holotype of Sahelanthropus tchadensis …
the same fossiliferous location as the late Miocene holotype of Sahelanthropus tchadensis …
Form, function and evolution of the human hand
The modern human hand is an intriguing mix of primitive morphology and derived function.
Traditionally, its form and function are explained as a functional “trade‐off” between the …
Traditionally, its form and function are explained as a functional “trade‐off” between the …
Divergence-time estimates for hominins provide insight into encephalization and body mass trends in human evolution
Quantifying speciation times during human evolution is fundamental as it provides a
timescale to test for the correlation between key evolutionary transitions and extrinsic factors …
timescale to test for the correlation between key evolutionary transitions and extrinsic factors …
Baboon perspectives on the ecology and behavior of early human ancestors
GE King - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2022 -
For more than 70 y researchers have looked to baboons (monkeys of the genus Papio) as a
source of hypotheses about the ecology and behavior of early hominins (early human …
source of hypotheses about the ecology and behavior of early hominins (early human …
Hominin fossils from Kromdraai and Drimolen inform Paranthropus robustus craniofacial ontogeny
Ontogeny provides critical information about the evolutionary history of early hominin adult
morphology. We describe fossils from the southern African sites of Kromdraai and Drimolen …
morphology. We describe fossils from the southern African sites of Kromdraai and Drimolen …
Drimolen cranium DNH 155 documents microevolution in an early hominin species
Paranthropus robustus is a small-brained extinct hominin from South Africa characterized by
derived, robust craniodental morphology. The most complete known skull of this species is …
derived, robust craniodental morphology. The most complete known skull of this species is …