E-Module to Assist Early Childhood Learning
This study aims to develop e-modules for kindergarten that adhere to a valid thematic
learning model and include learning conditions that emphasize online learning concepts …
learning model and include learning conditions that emphasize online learning concepts …
Development of stem-based science e-module on the human excretory system topic
Teachers generally lack sufficient knowledge about STEM approaches, so teachers have
difficulty develo** STEM-based modules. Our research aims to develop a STEM-based …
difficulty develo** STEM-based modules. Our research aims to develop a STEM-based …
Validity of e-module based on cognitive conflict integrated augmented reality for improving students physics science literacy
Achieving 21st century skills is anticipated by managing learning based on scientific literacy.
This literacy is the life skills of students, so they can solve existing problems by collaborating …
This literacy is the life skills of students, so they can solve existing problems by collaborating …
Development Of Nft Artwork Based On Local Cultural Assets In Pagelaran Village
Blockchain technology offers archiving of cultural asset through integrated asset records
with strong data encryption features. This technology development opportunity is supported …
with strong data encryption features. This technology development opportunity is supported …
E-module development of sustainable coffee processing to improve vocational students' green skills
This study aimed to analyze the eligibility of e-module and the effectiveness of their use in
improving the green skills of vocational students. This research used development research …
improving the green skills of vocational students. This research used development research …
The Application of Excretion System E-Module to Improve Science Literacy Skills
The research aims to analyze the application of e-modules in improving scientific literacy
skills. This research employed the quasi-experimental with pretest-posttest control design …
skills. This research employed the quasi-experimental with pretest-posttest control design …
Development of E-modules based on learning style to facilitate study during pandemic
During pandemic covid-19, the government has been implemented distance learning.
Distance learning is carried out using technology assistance. The teacher must package the …
Distance learning is carried out using technology assistance. The teacher must package the …
Virtual reality trimatra and dwimatra laboratory visual art materials for higher education
Dwimatra and trimatra are currently the main material for university fine arts courses. As a
partner campus for the MBKM program, it is obligatory to provide compulsory courses in two …
partner campus for the MBKM program, it is obligatory to provide compulsory courses in two …
Pagelaran Smartland: Using Virtual Reality Media to Increase Hybrid Tourist Visits for the Pottery Industry
Pagelaran Village is a projected educational tourism village that focuses on the
development of traditional pottery. However, with the number of visitors decreased during …
development of traditional pottery. However, with the number of visitors decreased during …
Analisis Penggunaan Bahan Ajar Berbasis IT dan Keterlaksanaan Literasi Sains SMA Padang
Pencapaian pembelajaran abad 21 salah satunya adalah peserta didik diharapkan
mempunyai literasi sains yang tinggi. Banyak cara yang bisa dilakukan pendidik untuk …
mempunyai literasi sains yang tinggi. Banyak cara yang bisa dilakukan pendidik untuk …