E-Module to Assist Early Childhood Learning

D Suryana, L Lina, NE Sari - The International Journal of Early …, 2024‏ - search.proquest.com
This study aims to develop e-modules for kindergarten that adhere to a valid thematic
learning model and include learning conditions that emphasize online learning concepts …

Development of stem-based science e-module on the human excretory system topic

JA Rungkat, A Jeujanan, BR Wola… - Jurnal Penelitian …, 2023‏ - jppipa.unram.ac.id
Teachers generally lack sufficient knowledge about STEM approaches, so teachers have
difficulty develo** STEM-based modules. Our research aims to develop a STEM-based …

Validity of e-module based on cognitive conflict integrated augmented reality for improving students physics science literacy

WT Emilya, F Mufit - Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 2023‏ - jppipa.unram.ac.id
Achieving 21st century skills is anticipated by managing learning based on scientific literacy.
This literacy is the life skills of students, so they can solve existing problems by collaborating …

Development Of Nft Artwork Based On Local Cultural Assets In Pagelaran Village

I Iriaji, A Prasetyo, A Taufani, E Surya… - … Conference on Art …, 2022‏ - conference.um.ac.id
Blockchain technology offers archiving of cultural asset through integrated asset records
with strong data encryption features. This technology development opportunity is supported …

E-module development of sustainable coffee processing to improve vocational students' green skills

MN Handayani, MO Ramadhan… - Jurnal …, 2023‏ - e-journal.undikma.ac.id
This study aimed to analyze the eligibility of e-module and the effectiveness of their use in
improving the green skills of vocational students. This research used development research …

The Application of Excretion System E-Module to Improve Science Literacy Skills

F Chairunnisa, Y Maryuningsih… - Biosfer: Jurnal Tadris …, 2021‏ - ejournal.radenintan.ac.id
The research aims to analyze the application of e-modules in improving scientific literacy
skills. This research employed the quasi-experimental with pretest-posttest control design …

Development of E-modules based on learning style to facilitate study during pandemic

D Purwasih, I Wilujeng, J Jumadi… - Proceedings of the 2022 …, 2022‏ - dl.acm.org
During pandemic covid-19, the government has been implemented distance learning.
Distance learning is carried out using technology assistance. The teacher must package the …

Virtual reality trimatra and dwimatra laboratory visual art materials for higher education

I Iriaji, AR Prasetyo, A Aruna, EP Surya… - KnE Social …, 2023‏ - knepublishing.com
Dwimatra and trimatra are currently the main material for university fine arts courses. As a
partner campus for the MBKM program, it is obligatory to provide compulsory courses in two …

Pagelaran Smartland: Using Virtual Reality Media to Increase Hybrid Tourist Visits for the Pottery Industry

AR Prasetyo, BLA Vega, A Marcelliantika… - KnE Social …, 2023‏ - knepublishing.com
Pagelaran Village is a projected educational tourism village that focuses on the
development of traditional pottery. However, with the number of visitors decreased during …

Analisis Penggunaan Bahan Ajar Berbasis IT dan Keterlaksanaan Literasi Sains SMA Padang

WT Emilya, F Mufit - Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran Fisika, 2024‏ - journal.upgris.ac.id
Pencapaian pembelajaran abad 21 salah satunya adalah peserta didik diharapkan
mempunyai literasi sains yang tinggi. Banyak cara yang bisa dilakukan pendidik untuk …