Chemistry, biosynthesis and biology of floral volatiles: roles in pollination and other functions

S Dötterl, J Gershenzon - Natural Product Reports, 2023 -
Covering: 2010 to 2023 Floral volatiles are a chemically diverse group of plant metabolites
that serve multiple functions. Their composition is shaped by environmental, ecological and …

Plant secondary metabolite diversity and species interactions

A Kessler, A Kalske - Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and …, 2018 -
Ever since the first plant secondary metabolites (PSMs) were isolated and identified,
questions about their ecological functions and diversity have been raised. Recent advances …

Understanding the biosyntheses and stress response mechanisms of aroma compounds in tea (Camellia sinensis) to safely and effectively improve tea aroma

L Zeng, N Watanabe, Z Yang - Critical reviews in food science and …, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
Metabolite formation is a biochemical and physiological feature of plants developed as an
environmental response during the evolutionary process. These metabolites help defend …

Biosynthesis, function and metabolic engineering of plant volatile organic compounds

N Dudareva, A Klempien, JK Muhlemann… - New …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Plants synthesize an amazing diversity of volatile organic compounds (VOC s) that facilitate
interactions with their environment, from attracting pollinators and seed dispersers to …

Pollinator-mediated evolution of floral signals

FP Schiestl, SD Johnson - Trends in ecology & evolution, 2013 -
Because most plants rely on animals for pollination, insights from animal sensory ecology
and behavior are essential for understanding the evolution of flowers. In this review, we …

Plant interactions with multiple insect herbivores: from community to genes

JM Stam, A Kroes, Y Li, R Gols… - Annual review of …, 2014 -
Every plant is a member of a complex insect community that consists of tens to hundreds of
species that belong to different trophic levels. The dynamics of this community are critically …

Nectar‐inhabiting microorganisms influence nectar volatile composition and attractiveness to a generalist pollinator

CC Rering, JJ Beck, GW Hall, MM McCartney… - New …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
The plant microbiome can influence plant phenotype in diverse ways, yet microbial
contribution to plant volatile phenotype remains poorly understood. We examine the …

Volatile-mediated plant–plant communication and higher-level ecological dynamics

A Kessler, MB Mueller, A Kalske, A Chautá - Current Biology, 2023 -
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in general and herbivory-induced plant volatiles
(HIPVs) in particular are increasingly understood as major mediators of information transfer …

Chemistry of floral rewards: intra‐and interspecific variability of nectar and pollen secondary metabolites across taxa

EC Palmer‐Young, IW Farrell, LS Adler… - Ecological …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Floral chemistry mediates plant interactions with pollinators, pathogens, and herbivores, with
major consequences for fitness of both plants and flower visitors. The outcome of such …

Delivering integrated pest and pollinator management (IPPM)

PA Egan, LV Dicks, HMT Hokkanen, JA Stenberg - Trends in Plant Science, 2020 -
The need to reduce pollinator exposure to harmful pesticides has led to calls to expedite the
adoption of integrated pest management (IPM). We make the case that IPM is not explicitly …