[PDF][PDF] MINLP solver software
M Bussieck, S Vigerske - 2010 - opus4.kobv.de
MINLP Solver Software Page 1 MINLP Solver Software Michael R. Bussieck1 and Stefan
Vigerske2 February 18, 2010 Abstract In this article we will give a brief overview of the start-of-the-art …
Vigerske2 February 18, 2010 Abstract In this article we will give a brief overview of the start-of-the-art …
Microgrid energy management system with embedded deep learning forecaster and combined optimizer
This paper presents an energy management system for the microgrid present at Wroclaw
University of Science and Technology. It has three components: a forecasting system, an …
University of Science and Technology. It has three components: a forecasting system, an …
MIDACO on MINLP space applications
A numerical study on two challenging mixed-integer non-linear programming (MINLP) space
applications and their optimization with MIDACO, a recently developed general purpose …
applications and their optimization with MIDACO, a recently developed general purpose …
MIDACO software performance on interplanetary trajectory benchmarks
M Schlueter - Advances in Space Research, 2014 - Elsevier
A numerical study of the MIDACO optimization software on the well known GTOP benchmark
set, published by the European Space Agency (ESA), is presented. The GTOP database …
set, published by the European Space Agency (ESA), is presented. The GTOP database …
Multi-objective optimization of critical node detection based on cascade model in complex networks
The critical node detection based on cascade model is a very important way for analyzing
network vulnerability and has recently attracted the attention of many researchers in …
network vulnerability and has recently attracted the attention of many researchers in …
High-performance jet fuel optimization and uncertainty analysis
High-performance jet fuel represents a subset of sustainable aviation fuel that improves the
value and performance of the fuel while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and remaining …
value and performance of the fuel while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and remaining …
Scenario-Based uncertainty modeling for power management in islanded microgrid using the mixed-integer distributed ant colony optimization
MZ Kreishan, AF Zobaa - Energies, 2023 - mdpi.com
Reliable droop-controlled islanded microgrids are necessary to expand coverage and
maximize renewables potential. Nonetheless, due to uncertainties surrounding renewable …
maximize renewables potential. Nonetheless, due to uncertainties surrounding renewable …
Efficient ant colony optimization for computer aided molecular design: Case study solvent selection problem
In this paper, we propose a novel computer-aided molecular design (CAMD) methodology
for the design of optimal solvents based on an efficient ant colony optimization (EACO) …
for the design of optimal solvents based on an efficient ant colony optimization (EACO) …
An interactive co-evolutionary framework for multi-objective critical node detection on large-scale complex networks
Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) have been proved to be competitive for
solving the critical node detection problem (CNDP) on complex networks in both non …
solving the critical node detection problem (CNDP) on complex networks in both non …
Multi-scale deterministic optimisation of blended composite structures: case study of a box-wing
This work presents a multi-scale design methodology for the deterministic optimisation of
thin-walled composite structures integrating a global–local approach for the assessment of …
thin-walled composite structures integrating a global–local approach for the assessment of …