The cardiovascular system: mathematical modelling, numerical algorithms and clinical applications

A Quarteroni, A Manzoni, C Vergara - Acta Numerica, 2017 -
Mathematical and numerical modelling of the cardiovascular system is a research topic that
has attracted remarkable interest from the mathematical community because of its intrinsic …

Patient-specific modeling of cardiovascular mechanics

CA Taylor, CA Figueroa - Annual review of biomedical …, 2009 -
Advances in numerical methods and three-dimensional imaging techniques have enabled
the quantification of cardiovascular mechanics in subject-specific anatomic and physiologic …

[KNJIGA][B] The finite element method for solid and structural mechanics

OC Zienkiewicz, RL Taylor - 2005 -
This is the key text and reference for engineers, researchers and senior students dealing
with the analysis and modelling of structures–from large civil engineering projects such as …

[KNJIGA][B] Cardiovascular Mathematics: Modeling and simulation of the circulatory system

L Formaggia, A Quarteroni, A Veneziani - 2010 -
Cardiovascular diseases have a major impact in Western countries. Mathematical models
and numerical simulations can aid the understanding of physiological and pathological …

Added-mass effect in the design of partitioned algorithms for fluid–structure problems

P Causin, JF Gerbeau, F Nobile - Computer methods in applied mechanics …, 2005 - Elsevier
The aim of this work is to provide a mathematical contribution to explain the numerical
instabilities encountered under certain combinations of physical parameters in the …

Fluid–structure interaction analysis of bioprosthetic heart valves: significance of arterial wall deformation

MC Hsu, D Kamensky, Y Bazilevs, MS Sacks… - Computational …, 2014 - Springer
We propose a framework that combines variational immersed-boundary and arbitrary
Lagrangian–Eulerian methods for fluid–structure interaction (FSI) simulation of a …

Dynamic and fluid–structure interaction simulations of bioprosthetic heart valves using parametric design with T-splines and Fung-type material models

MC Hsu, D Kamensky, F Xu, J Kiendl, C Wang… - Computational …, 2015 - Springer
This paper builds on a recently developed immersogeometric fluid–structure interaction
(FSI) methodology for bioprosthetic heart valve (BHV) modeling and simulation. It enhances …

Outflow boundary conditions for three-dimensional finite element modeling of blood flow and pressure in arteries

IE Vignon-Clementel, CA Figueroa, KE Jansen… - Computer methods in …, 2006 - Elsevier
Flow and pressure waves emanate from the heart and travel through the major arteries
where they are damped, dispersed and reflected due to changes in vessel caliber, tissue …

Isogeometric fluid–structure interaction analysis with applications to arterial blood flow

Y Bazilevs, VM Calo, Y Zhang, TJR Hughes - Computational Mechanics, 2006 - Springer
A NURBS (non-uniform rational B-splines)-based isogeometric fluid–structure interaction
formulation, coupling incompressible fluids with non-linear elastic solids, and allowing for …

One-dimensional models for blood flow in arteries

L Formaggia, D Lamponi, A Quarteroni - Journal of engineering …, 2003 - Springer
In this paper a family of one-dimensional nonlinear systems which model the blood pulse
propagation in compliant arteries is presented and investigated. They are obtained by …