Generative knowledge graph construction: A review
Generative Knowledge Graph Construction (KGC) refers to those methods that leverage the
sequence-to-sequence framework for building knowledge graphs, which is flexible and can …
sequence-to-sequence framework for building knowledge graphs, which is flexible and can …
Nested named entity recognition: a survey
With the rapid development of text mining, many studies observe that text generally contains
a variety of implicit information, and it is important to develop techniques for extracting such …
a variety of implicit information, and it is important to develop techniques for extracting such …
Unified structure generation for universal information extraction
Information extraction suffers from its varying targets, heterogeneous structures, and
demand-specific schemas. In this paper, we propose a unified text-to-structure generation …
demand-specific schemas. In this paper, we propose a unified text-to-structure generation …
Unified named entity recognition as word-word relation classification
So far, named entity recognition (NER) has been involved with three major types, including
flat, overlapped (aka. nested), and discontinuous NER, which have mostly been studied …
flat, overlapped (aka. nested), and discontinuous NER, which have mostly been studied …
Text2Event: Controllable sequence-to-structure generation for end-to-end event extraction
Event extraction is challenging due to the complex structure of event records and the
semantic gap between text and event. Traditional methods usually extract event records by …
semantic gap between text and event. Traditional methods usually extract event records by …
A unified generative framework for various NER subtasks
Named Entity Recognition (NER) is the task of identifying spans that represent entities in
sentences. Whether the entity spans are nested or discontinuous, the NER task can be …
sentences. Whether the entity spans are nested or discontinuous, the NER task can be …
A unified MRC framework for named entity recognition
The task of named entity recognition (NER) is normally divided into nested NER and flat
NER depending on whether named entities are nested or not. Models are usually separately …
NER depending on whether named entities are nested or not. Models are usually separately …
Named entity recognition as dependency parsing
Named Entity Recognition (NER) is a fundamental task in Natural Language Processing,
concerned with identifying spans of text expressing references to entities. NER research is …
concerned with identifying spans of text expressing references to entities. NER research is …
Locate and label: A two-stage identifier for nested named entity recognition
Named entity recognition (NER) is a well-studied task in natural language processing.
Traditional NER research only deals with flat entities and ignores nested entities. The span …
Traditional NER research only deals with flat entities and ignores nested entities. The span …
Boundary smoothing for named entity recognition
Neural named entity recognition (NER) models may easily encounter the over-confidence
issue, which degrades the performance and calibration. Inspired by label smoothing and …
issue, which degrades the performance and calibration. Inspired by label smoothing and …