[HTML][HTML] Machine learning for spatial analyses in urban areas: a sco** review
The challenges for sustainable cities to protect the environment, ensure economic growth,
and maintain social justice have been widely recognized. Along with the digitization …
and maintain social justice have been widely recognized. Along with the digitization …
Sociology of twitter/x: Trends, challenges, and future research directions
D Murthy - Annual Review of Sociology, 2024 - annualreviews.org
This article provides a sociology of Twitter (now known as X) and charts the development of
the study of the platform and its data in sociological venues through an analysis of 1,644 …
the study of the platform and its data in sociological venues through an analysis of 1,644 …
[HTML][HTML] Social capital I: measurement and associations with economic mobility
Social capital—the strength of an individual's social network and community—has been
identified as a potential determinant of outcomes ranging from education to health 1, 2, 3, 4 …
identified as a potential determinant of outcomes ranging from education to health 1, 2, 3, 4 …
Social capital II: determinants of economic connectedness
Low levels of social interaction across class lines have generated widespread concern,,–
and are associated with worse outcomes, such as lower rates of upward income mobility …
and are associated with worse outcomes, such as lower rates of upward income mobility …
Mobility patterns are associated with experienced income segregation in large US cities
Traditional understanding of urban income segregation is largely based on static coarse-
grained residential patterns. However, these do not capture the income segregation …
grained residential patterns. However, these do not capture the income segregation …
The 15-minute city quantified using human mobility data
Amid rising congestion and transport emissions, policymakers are embracing the '15-minute
city'model, which envisions neighbourhoods where basic needs can be met within a short …
city'model, which envisions neighbourhoods where basic needs can be met within a short …
Human mobility networks reveal increased segregation in large cities
A long-standing expectation is that large, dense and cosmopolitan areas support
socioeconomic mixing and exposure among diverse individuals,,,,–. Assessing this …
socioeconomic mixing and exposure among diverse individuals,,,,–. Assessing this …
Effect of COVID-19 response policies on walking behavior in US cities
The COVID-19 pandemic is causing mass disruption to our daily lives. We integrate mobility
data from mobile devices and area-level data to study the walking patterns of 1.62 million …
data from mobile devices and area-level data to study the walking patterns of 1.62 million …
Introduction to urban science: evidence and theory of cities as complex systems
LMA Bettencourt - 2021 - books.google.com
A novel, integrative approach to cities as complex adaptive systems, applicable to issues
ranging from innovation to economic prosperity to settlement patterns. Human beings …
ranging from innovation to economic prosperity to settlement patterns. Human beings …
Neighbourhood effects and beyond: Explaining the paradoxes of inequality in the changing American metropolis
RJ Sampson - Urban Studies, 2019 - journals.sagepub.com
American cities today are simultaneously the same and different from Wilson's classic
portrayal in The Truly Disadvantaged ([1987] 2012), first published over 30 years ago …
portrayal in The Truly Disadvantaged ([1987] 2012), first published over 30 years ago …